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Posts posted by jakehowarth

  1. The reflection is interesting, it looks like the buildings are emerging straight out of water, which creates some level of unreal that draws attention. I also like the colors and the contrast (although the bluishness suppresses the reds in the buildings, which may be improved with some color correction), and the bold lines. The bent perspective and some lens distortion is there, and it might be worth seeing how the scene looks after correcting them. However, beyond these, I fumble a bit due to lack of a story or some cue to further my imagination. If there was a prominent entity in the foreground, I might have gotten something more to proceed with, but without that, it somehow ends for me there.


    The scene might be portrayed to focus on the eerie loneliness, and the unusual perspective of looking from the feet level and the unexpected sight of being surrounded by water everywhere in an urban neighborhood, but the perspective correction may aid in that (which is a bit of a distraction for now). Also, I think the hint of solid ground on the bottom right corner doesn't help the narrative of infinite water in contrast to urban buildings in the background.

    Thank you for taking the time to write some feedback, I really appreciate it.

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