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Image Comments posted by c.a.maedgen

    B 17

    Thank you Mick Simpson. I believe that you are correct.............this one went down in 2019. I was fortunate enough to get some photos upon their departure. Best wishes.
  1. I got my my 105mm Nikkor macro lens and got within inches of this fly. They were locked in the death struggle and did not spook. I think the bee had already thrown in the towel. I made it quick and got out of there. Best regards Paul.
  2. Thank you Paul. This one paused ever so briefly and that was enough to get a lock on photo. Otherwise, these creatures just stay in cruise control. Best wishes and thank you.
  3. Thank you Giangiorgio for your comment. That morning I watched no less than 6 strike attempt by the Osprey some of which were misses. All of this happened directly in front of me at no more than 30 to 35 yards. Best regards and thank you again.
  4. Thank you Giangiorgio. Much appreciated. The Mockingbird during the mating season is known for jumping straight up in the air and coming back to its original perch. Showing off so to speak. Best regards.


    Thank you for your comment on my photograph. All of this action happened so fast and was over within a minute or so. I felt fortunate to capture what I did. Best regards to you.

    Rest stop.

    Very appropriate name for your photograph. You have a very nice capture here on the dragon. They can be very difficult as you well know. Congrats on a nice one.
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