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Posts posted by mattbodin

  1. So I took it apart but couldn't get the pin out(it wouldnt fall out and I don't have tweezers). I notice though it wasn't centered like yours, it was shifted towards the middle of the camera. A couple problems that i didn't mention were that it was hard to switch from av to tv and also to change the value with the wheel on the front. After 'prying' the main shaft back towards the film advance they have freed up but im still having the issue with the half press. Leaving the ring loose on the button seems to fix that though. I think the issue there is that the ring(where it was hit) is pushing down on the button slightly. I'll attach a picture. The disassembled photo is after I pried it over.





  2. After a fall the light meter on my A-1 just stays on. It feel on the shutter button/advance lever. In order to turn the meter off now i must turn it off with its switch on the left or leave it in the L position, in the A position the light meter is on(in the viewfinder) weather I press the shutter half way or not. How can I fix it?
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