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Posts posted by bendickey

  1. Thanks for the responses guys!

    @Wilmarco Imaging They were shot at f11 hand held.


    @tom_chow The 65mm. The second image is a particularly good example, where the main content looks fish-bowled. You can see the lines at the bottom of the fence and side rail look very curved, when in reality they were a straight line. You can also see it a bit less clearly in the first image where despite being a considerable distance from the main subject, the image still has bowed or convex feeling as if being pushed from the centre.


    @Ed_Ingold I'm trying to avoid a vignette effect and rather aiming for evenly exposed skies. I've been doing a combo of vignette correction and burning in post to fix the appearance as well as distortion/perspective correction. Stopping down isn't an option unfortunately since I have been shooting urban landscapes that require as much sharpness in fore, middle and backgrounds as possible.


    Perhaps I'm just accustomed to the limited distortion and clean lines of a bellows camera, but I've been finding the vignette and distortion very disappointing, especially in camera many consider to be the holy grail of medium format. Maybe, it just doesn't lend itself well to architectural style shooting. In portraits these issues are no big deal and can even be desirable.

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  2. I'm pretty recent to the Mam 7 lineup, but have been really enjoying it thus far. However, I have noticed a clear bit of fall-off and barrel distortion in many of my compositions. From what I've heard the system is supposed to be very good with both of these things, but most of my images have to be perspective corrected in post and many still contain irritating dark corners. Has anyone else notice/struggled with this? Could there be an issue with my setup, or lens?


    At this point I've probably run 25+ rolls through it, and until yesterday have had no problem with the winding mechanism, or loading. I loaded a roll with no indication of an issue or looseness, yet when it came to the last two shots, the winding became stiff, and I heard the dreaded sounds of a roll getting caught. In the end it had come loose to the point that when I took it out it was beginning to separate from the spool and would definitely have let light in had I not stuffed it into a black bag I had. Wondering if anyone has had issues with this on the Mam 7 before?


    I've included some images to illustrate the first point.


    Thanks so much!





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