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Posts posted by stephenhormann

  1. After using a Canon G-12 for a few years and finding I needed to buy an accessory tele lens to achieve the shots I wanted, I went and picked up this Sony DSC-H7 (cheap) to see if it may be easier to use then the Canon.

    So, I have been looking around the internet for info, etc. and I guess I'll just pose the question and ask in this thread.........


    What are your thoughts on how they perform? This cameras shortcomings and/or it's good points?


    As for myself, I am only into digital in terms of using the smaller, lightweight cameras that do have the controls of the larger camera bodies and I don't have to deal with an assortment of lenses. Most of my photography is an extension of my other hobbies and interests. I went out and received a journalism degree at 66 yrs old and finally learned how to do photography because of the classes. So along with my vintage film camera stuff I just need that one digital camera to carry along and use as needed.

    Thanks for the help

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