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Image Comments posted by michael_arras

  1. This one may be my favorite of all your photos. I think the rule of thirds composition works well here, and the distant mountains have a unifying effect on the entire composition. I think it's difficult to achieve this unity in a shot like this one (given the fact that each area of the photo has a strong visual interest), but you have pulled it off in stunning fashion. My only complaint is the light patch of land in the middle/left area, which I would prefer to see burned in a bit to match the rest of the land masses. Anyway, I guess you could say that this is the kind of shot I'm always looking for when I'm down on the Columbia River. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I can't decide if the branch is really a necessary element of the photo. It is an interesting branch on its own, but it definitely disturbs the serenity of the overall scene...to what effect I haven't decided. I think it is worth returning to the scene to re-frame just to see what different moods you can create with various vantage points.
  3. Great image, very mysterious, ghostlike, dreamy. I like how the window panes look like

    3 repeated crosses...you've framed them well in my opinion. I think the image could be a little less crooked, but the off-kilter framing could be part of the emotional impact of the shot. Nice job.

    Late Spring I

    Robert, this is a great shot...I seem to never get enough of well photographed calla lilies. My personal preference would be to bring out the highlights of the background foliage a little more, but there is also something to be said for the subtleness of the shot you posted. Keep 'em coming!
  4. The expressions in this photo are gripping, and the exposure looks great to me. The blown out portion in the background doesn't bother me that much, but I'm not too picky about that sort of thing if the subject is well exposed, which it is.
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