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Posts posted by coconutjoe66

  1. Just recieved Nikon Coolpix 5700. I have two questions and a comment.

    Questions: 1) In order to use a filter, it needs an adaptor. Will I

    have a problem with the lens touching the filter when fully extended?

    And, 2) At the widest lens setting, will I see any portion of

    adaptor/filter in the pictures taken? (especially at the corners)


    Comment: One of the main reasons that I purchased Coolpix 5700,

    despite of having EOS D60 & Coolpix 995 is that 5700 has 60 sec Movie

    Mode. These movie clips are saved as MOV (Quicktime) files. The

    optics are GREAT !! But, in every case, you hear this clicking

    noise..."click, click, click, etc.". I send an e-mail to Nikon Tech

    Support and they said it is focus motor noise which is picked up by

    the microphone and "nothing you can do to fix it". Even if you set

    the focus to manual, you still hear that noise on movie files, a

    little less though. A bad placement of the microphone !! What a

    bummer !!



  2. I have been collecting mostly Rolleiflex TLR for a while and I've

    just purchased Kalloflex TLR, mainly on the advice of my friend who

    had one. According McKeown's 2001 reference book, there are 3

    different models. Kalloflex ('54), Kalloflex Automat ('54) and

    Kalloflex Automat K2 ('56). Looking at the brief descriptions, I

    can't really tell the difference between Kalloflex and Kalloflex

    Automat, except for the price. Does anybody know idea why Kalloflex

    is much more expensive than Kalloflex Automat?? And how can I tell

    which model Kalloflex that you have?


    Is there any good internet site for Kalloflex??


    Thanks for all your help!!



  3. Thanks for all responses...I'll take all your advices and service only the cameras that I will use. Also, I'll thank my Rollei serviceman. He does a great job.


    One more question, what is the going rate on CLA for less expensive models, such as, Automat, Ikoflex, Ricohflex, etc. ? Are they about the same as Rolleiflex?




  4. Need some help here...

    I am a not so rich TLR camera collector and I acquired many TLR over

    last few years. At the beginning, I did not know too much about

    these things, but I've gained some knowledge about these wonderful

    cameras. My question is that IS THERE A RELATIVELY MODERATE OR


    REPAIRED OR CLA?? I mostly have Rolleiflex TLRs, but I do have some

    Yashica, Autocord, Ricohflex, and Ikoflex.


    Also, are $120 and $130 a fair price to pay for CLA on Rolleiflex MX-

    EVS and Automat Type-3, respectively?? That what I paid most

    recently. He did a wonderful job, but I think it is bit expensive.

    I still need to service few more Rolleiflex 2.8F's.


    Any input is greatly appreciated.



  5. The Rolleiflex TLR:

    Bay-1 is used in older f/3.5 lens.(Automatic, X-type, MX-type, T, etc.)

    Bay-2 is used in newer f/3.5 lens.(Rolleiflex 3.5F type-1 to 4)

    Bay-3 is used in f/2.8 lens. (2.8F, 2.8GX, etc)


    This info might not be complete, and any addition or correction is appreciated.



  6. Hi, I need some help!! I have three Rolleiflex 2.8F TLR cameras. A

    few days ago, my little kids and the dog destroyed the lens caps

    while I was cleaning the cameras. I've been looking for

    replacements, but they are very expensive. Does anyone know where I

    can find generic Bay-3 lens caps inexpensive?? Do they even make

    generic Bay-3 lens caps?? Any input is appreciated.

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