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Posts posted by requiestas

  1. Leica IIIf, early 'black dial' version, with a 5cm Summarit 1.5. It's hard to judge the condition from your photo. If the lens were in nice condition it would be worth more than the body, but from what I can see it doesn't look great. It might be OK if it's cleaned professionally, but you probably shouldn't attempt this yourself as the glass is very soft and easily damaged (if it isn't already). A specialist Leica dealer who sells vintage gear can give you an informed opinion. Otherwise, check completed auctions on ebay for pricing. If you want to list it, get some better photos done in good light and describe it as clearly as you can, warts and all. When you say it doesn't work, what is wrong? It's rarely worth spending money on getting the body or lens serviced yourself if you're going to sell it on - just set a realistic price.

    I just found this at my old family house and I wanted to sell it with a good price. I am not really aiming for a high price but maybe an easy money would do. I have zero knowledge on cameras.

  2. Looks like a IIIf.


    I suspect it needs a CLA (I can tell you the lens needs it for sure). Check closed/sold eBay auctions for a ballpark value - then proceed from there.


    IMHO - toss the case as is adds nothing in the condition it's in.

    I have no idea how to clean this but any price in mind? I really want to sell them since i'm not a big fan of photograph plus all I see on ebay are bodies only with no lens. So I hav eno idea

  3. I just found and old Leica cam and I am going to sell but I have no idea what's the value or is it even real? Please help me identify this Leica and know how much does it worth? It doesn't work





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