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Image Comments posted by david_owens1

  1. As I say, I see what you are trying but the christmas star does not work for me, try a lasso or a gun. If I were to tackle this I would maybe have chosen weathered wood for a forground/table top and maybe the lats of a shed as a background. Both of these could be mocked up for a studio shot. Also on the lighting side I think I would have gone for a light tent rather than reflectors, they distract from the shape of the lamp. Good exposure though and generally a nice shot for your first attempt.



    I'm surprised that the composition of this images has received less than favourable comments. Both Alex and myself like this image, does it not hint to a little mystery about the sitter? What does she look like, why is her face hidden?

    Well, it just goes to show how different people see different things in photography, it would be a boring world otherwise. Thanks anyway for your comments I do appreciate them all. But at the end of the day it's like I say if you like it's ok.

  2. Yes, this is the best of the three, and a good attempt at available light. It is true you do not need loads of expensive gear to take good photographs. But as I tell my students hands are the worst thing to pose, try reshooting with the right hand positioned so you look at the edge rather than the top, you'll find this does not distract from the face. Good work, keep it up. Oh, I do agree about the hair as well.

    Open Wide.


    I took this initially to record my fish eating, but as it was a digi

    camera the shutter lag time became a challenge, by the time I pressed

    the shutter the fish had gone. But it shows it can be done with a

    little pactice.

    Any comments on the shot?

  3. I take it you are starting out in photography?

    Although this is a well spotted shot it is let down by the following reasons: You are too far away from the subject, the background of leaves distract from your subject which is the flower head really. It is acceptable to cheat in this situation by propping up the head to get a better composition, but crop closer, a close up filter is an inexpensive alternative to a macro lens. It colud also do with a larger scan, a bit difficult to see at this size. Hope this helps.

    Smile Please.


    Ok, It's no masterpiece just a snap of a new visitor to my pond. But

    maybe it will raise a smile.

    If you have any comments please feel free to make them.


    I think James and Mike sum up the view and feeling I wished to portray in this shot. It was never meant to be pin sharp, as I feel this would have distracted from the overall feel of this place the smokey soft effect was to express my feelings about the room and people. Sadly this place no longer exists and can never be recapture. It just brings back fond memories for me.



    This is a cropped version of the full frame print, see my B/W folder.

    Have a look at both, any comments on this or both prints would be


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