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Posts posted by donnabzy

  1. Thanks for all the responses! I've decided to go for an entirely new camera body and lenses. I shot at a press junket today and got some great shots from third row but I know I can do better if I invest the money. Onwards to the camera shop!
  2. I shoot a lot of press events and while this camera's 10+ years old, I love it. I'm familiar with it and for my digital-only needs, it takes great shots. I'm looking to add a wide angle lens that is going to be usable in somewhat low-light situations. (I have a 70-300 I've had luck with for when I'm not in the front row but I'd like a wider shot of a group of celebs, for exampe.) I'd like to keep it under $600 but that's flexible. I took it to a camera shop and he was upselling me more on a new camera entirely, but I'd like to not do that right now, and a few that were recommended to me prior aren't available. Anyone have a good recommendation for this camera? Thanks!
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