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Posts posted by iKokomo

  1. “Amateurish” photographer here. :) A friend of mine is leaving her home-state for the first time in her life. She wanted to do some “farewell” photos to remember her time in the state, but also show excitement for the future. 

    She wants to do the photo shoot on her old college campus, and For props, I know she has a shirt with her new city name on it. 

    I struggling coming up with original ideas for this unique photo shoot. Ha! 

    Thank you so much for your help!

  2. I am in the market to upgrade my Panasonic HDC-TM900K 1080p to a 4K camcorder (I love this form factor) and I was researching a suitable upgrade. I have seen some reasonably priced Panasonic HC-WX995M online but I see that it is a Japanese model only.

    Living in the US, would there be any issues if I were to pick up one of these?


  3. I just got an amazing deal on a Canon XF200 (which replaced my well-used Canon XHA1) and I want to start playing around with custom profiles. I was wondering if anyone has some custom profiles for this camera? I cannot seem to find any.


    I know it is only 1080p and a bit old, but I know that it still can be used to tell an amazing story on a budget.

  4. I am in the process of restoring an old Nikon FG. I have gotten it mostly working, however, the film advance lever is missing the collar to hold the film advance lever down. The lever works smoothly, but if you hold the camera at an angle, the lever will slip out of the place it should be.


    I have attached a photo (not mine, but same camera) of the part I am looking for. img_1580-2.thumb.jpg.d4daa074c6b4cdfa197960ea6f62fb7d.jpg

  5. I have been in the Nikon world for a while and have amassed a large collection of Nikon lenses (either bought or received free via kit lenses).


    I have both a Nikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6g ed if af-s vr as well as a Nikon AF-S FX 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED vr. Is there much difference optically between these two, or should I just sell the 70-300 as the 28-300 covers that focal length and more?


    What is the advantage of one over the other?

    Thanks! :)

  6. I am looking for an affordable wide-angle, constant aperture, zoom lens for my Nikon Z6. I have the FTZ adapter. I am looking for the following in the lens:


    1. Constant Aperture (2.8 or 4)

    2. Ability to autofocus with FTZ (not a Screw drive autofocus)

    3. Not too expensive (I am a portrait photographer, but I would love to play around with architecture and landscape photos, so the quality does not have to be amazing.)


    Thank you for your help!

  7. I have read a lot of reviews and I cannot get an answer on whether the Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM FLD will work on my Nikon Z6.


    If this doesn't work, what other, more affordable options do I have at my disposal?

    In short, I am looking for something affordable, that autofocuses (with the FTZ) and works with a Z series Full Frame camera (some tiny edge vignetting is ok).


    I recently joined a local photo club so I want to experiment with this. Therefore, I do not need an expensive lens, just something to play around with and expand my toolbag.

  8. When I shake my Nikon 85mm 1.8g, something rattles inside the lens. However, when I manually focus to infinity, the rattling goes away. However, when I turn the manual focus ring even a tiny bit away from infinity, the rattling goes back. I have attached a video of the issue. :)


  9. I have used an Olympus Pen e-pl1 for years upgraded to an e-pl7 and now (after using it to death) I am looking at upgrading once again.


    I love the small form factor/high-quality image that I have gotten out of my e-pl series. I also have a lot of good glass for it.


    Therefore, I was wondering if there was any difference between the Olympus Pen e-pl9 vs. e-pl10?


    I have researched multiple websites and they say the only difference is a couple of "in-camera editing options" are different. Since I use Adobe LR to edit, I do not care about those features.


    Are there any other differences between the e-pl9 vs. e-pl10?

  10. I just acquired a Pentax Auto 110 SLR with 2 lenses, auto-wonder, case, and a couple of rolls of film. When I got it, I could not see through the viewfinder, the film advance lever would move about halfway, and it seemed like the shutter was stuck.


    I just bought a pair of brand new Energizer 357/303 1.55v batteries and put an old roll of half-used 110 film that was in the camera.


    A solid yellow light shows up in the viewfinder, but nothing happens when I press the shutter button, also, nothing happens when I try to cock the film advance lever. I still cannot see through the viewfinder.


    Is this a known problem? How can I fix this really neat camera?

  11. I am about to do a "Noir" inspired photoshoot and I was wondering if it was possible to make the viewfinder/LCD screen display in Black and White while still saving the RAW files in Color?


    It would be easier to compose and "get in the mood" if the image I see through the viewfinder is in B&W. I can edit the RAW image later.


    If that is not possible, is it possible to have the camera itself display a B&W image after I take it (but still keep the color RAW)?


    It still is preferable (especially with the amazing EVF) to see it in B&W.



  12. An idea hit me when I was walking on the campus I am a student at to do a noir-styled photoshoot. It is an older campus with older-style lights and brick walkways.


    I have a ton of ideas rattling around in my head, but I was wondering if anyone here had some good inspiring ideas/thoughts to help spur some creativity and put my thoughts into action?


    An idea that I have seen people use was “atmospheric aerosol” to create some fog.

  13. I got an amazing deal on a “for repair” Elgeet 13mm f/1.5. The problem with this lens is that the focusing mechanism is nearly frozen. Aperture works great.


    I was wondering if anyone had a diagram or instructions on how to open this lens and replace the old grease?


    Also, what are things that I need to be aware of when I open a lens? I have never done this before.


    Lastly, what kind of replacement grease should I use?



  14. I know that the Blackmagic Production, Pocket, and Pocket 4K use the MFT lens mount but I was just wondering what other companies (besides Blackmagic) out there use the MFT lens mount?


    My only stipulation is the fact that it has to shoot at least 4K.


    60p and RAW are nice but not necessary. I will probably use it mostly in 24p.


    I like Blackmagic (as I have one) but I would like to know what other companies are out there!

  15. Effective self presentation, manners, and charm. Talk them down, and when they are calm, start. Talk to them about what they want while shooting. Be it ever so humble and proper, a relationship is important, possibly critical in portrait shooting.


    Thanks! That is the one thing, I do not have problems talking/making small talk, but since I am nervous, I seem to talk too much.


    Haha, how do I "maximize" small-talk while "minimizing "words"?

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