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Posts posted by dassertmakery

  1. I have been using the Google backup service, the paid one. Some questions have arisen though. It was originally called Google Drive, and on my MAC it installed a folder in the finder window called "Google Drive." So I copy files there and they backup to Google Drive. Then Google made a big deal, it seemed, that Google Drive became Backup and Sync, new icons and suggestions that there was new functionality, "download it now." It seems confusing that google, after launching B&S, kept the name Google Drive, confusing for me at least, and uses both names in their websites.


    I just want a place to backup images, just upload, and have them there and be done with it, but it doesn't seem that simple, or maybe it is?


    My questions are:

    How do google users use this service, I mean the workflow for it, to backup images or whatever else?

    That google drive folder---which kept the same name after the birth of B&S--is getting pretty big. After upload to google, can that folder be emptied, ie all uploaded files deleted, without jeopardizing the images in their original location or the google cloud backup?



    Nice, it is a free way to backup anything for phone , i have used it , and It's better than any backup tools,

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