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Posts posted by adampoklemba

  1. Greetings!

    My Pentacon has a huge film spacing issue, where the spacing increases after every subsequent shot until it's almost an entire empty shot between exposed pictures! I am pretty sure that the issue is that the film spool on the right goes backwards when you're winding the next shot. I have attached a video of what I'm talking about. Does anyone know what could cause this?

    Thanks, Adam

  2. Hello!

    My grandfather gave me a Pentacon 6 TL last year, and I finally got around to cleaning and lubricating it a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, in the process, I lost the extension spring that makes the film counter function. The only repair manuals I can find online are blurry and unintelligible or cost $12 D: I have attached a picture of the spring below. Does anyone know what the exact specs for this spring [length, thickness] are?

    Much appreciated,



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