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Posts posted by michaelmarcum

  1. $400 per building at 150 buildings?! That's $60.000. Unless one is a big name architecture photographer that's never going to happen. $400 sounds more like half a day, so $800 a day + expenses. If it's only 1- 3 exterior shots per building you could easily do 15-20 or so in one day for buildings in the same area. That's 10-13 days. Around $8000 + driving expenses would be more reasonable.




    And a lot less time for you too. That's what you're charging them for after all, your time.





    4 hours post-processing for 24 images? Shouldn't take much longer than 30-40 minutes.


    $400 dollars does not seem like a lot for a commercial building to me. I think you should charge for the value you deliver. You also need to cover overhead and marketing expenses. In fact.. I would say that a low fee of $400 would basically be some descriptive and documentary photos and nothing that requires too much creative effort.

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