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Posts posted by cocomaron

  1. "Thank you for your responses. I did run a film and the photos came out blurry. I've been told to send it to Canon for repair but I'm wondering if it's worth going through and paying for?"



    Since you can get one on ebay all day long for under $150, the short answer is that it's not likely you'll be able to have a qualified tech look at and repair it for that or less. ... Maybe at an independent shop in a 3rd world country, but yeah, not likely... I could be wrong, but were I in your shoes, I'd just pick another up on Fleabay - at least you have some protection/return capability should that one be non-functional too...

    That's true. Thank you :)

  2. Sorry for your issue and that you can't return the camera. It would make sense to call Canon and determine if they will repair an SLR as old as an EOS 5, and what would be the minimum cost of such service. You can also check out independant repair shops that may be less expensive. That said, the cost of decent EOS film cameras are quite low, and it may not worth repairing your EOS 5.


    I just like not throwing away things but you're right :)

  3. Yup, sounds to me like there's a problem w/ the AF system. While 1 calibration run was never enough to get reliable ECF focus, with the system off, you should be able to get AF that's pretty reliable and speedy - especially in good light. The only other possibilities for something that is user serviceable is either the dioptric being either broken and floating free, or something wrong with the focusing screen. Neither is very likely, but you are working with a 20-25yr old camera.


    Unfortunately you are not able to gimp, but It might be worth it to run a test roll through the camera to see if what you are seeing through the viewfinder is accurate in terms of the plane of focus on the film. Not that this particularly helps in diagnosis and repair, as, regardless of the diagnosis, repair would likely be required.


    Thank you for your responses. I did run a film and the photos came out blurry. I've been told to send it to Canon for repair but I'm wondering if it's worth going through and paying for?

  4. Is your ECF on ? If so, turn it off, and try again. I found that even with the last generation of ECF cameras, calibration was an absolute must do to get reliable focus out of the system... (and It's GOT to be OFF if you don't want to use it, or are having issues) On my last Elan 7e, it took several subsequent calibrations, but once it was locked in, it's focus system literally read my mind - IMO moving away from that system was one of the worst decisions Canon ever made ...


    Hi, I have calibrated it to my eye and tried it on and off. Still AF seems to be slow and most times not focusing at all OR at the back of the subject. The problem persists in well-lit situations and from different distances as well.

  5. Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me.


    I bought a Canon EOS 5 recently second hand and I discovered, after trying on 3 different lenses that she has a back focus problem. Front subject is blurry and back is in focus.


    This is not a problem on AI focus mode but that mode is fully automatic (aperture,exposure,flash etc) which I'm not interested in. Manual focus works but that kind of beats the purpose of owning this camera


    I don't have the option to return it and I was wondering if this is an easily solvable issue or if it would be pricey to repair it and thus not worth it.


    Many thanks in advance

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