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Posts posted by marcdeseke

  1. Marc,

    The fault may not be your focusing or your camera. I had one of those Samyang family (Rokinon) 500mm mirror lenses and it was just not sharp. Nothing I did could produce a sharp picture. I then got a Tamron 500mm mirror and voila, the pictures are sharp as a tack. I think the Samyang 500mm is just a poor lens.

    Thank you Wayne for your reply. The Tamron lens is for the moment way beyond my budget. But thank you for sharing.

  2. Ah, sorry about the not working focus trap. I just tried with *istD Beroflex 400mm f6.4 & a bunch of extension tubes at home. - one seems to need an A lens, not just plain k-mount for that feature to work. So I fear you are down to using a VF magnifier for precision focusing.

    An alternative to use your given lens would be adapting it on something mirrorless, to gain focus peaking and EVF magnification. If you are shooting slowly from a rocksolid tripod an old Fuji X-E 1 might cut the cake for not too much money. If you want to splurge: Ponder the Sony A 6000 series and check out if the A6500's steady shot / IBIS can be set to work with your 500mm. - AFAIK Pentax' SR only supports lenses up to 300mm.

    If I somewhat seriously wanted to shoot long lenses, I'd probably pick a Nikon D500 with their new 200-500mm zoom.

    thank you for your reply... and your time.

  3. The K7 does have live view, which is probable easier to check focus with than the optical finder. Auto focus usually struggles with lenses with such a small maximum aperture, if this lens has it.

    Thank you for your reply. It is an option yes, but still a small screen to adjust to. No possibility to zoom in as far as I know....

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