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Posts posted by anilafom

  1. I can only speak about the USA, but without a license from the copyright owner, the processor has no right to display or publish. A license can be a mere email, or even verbal, but no exists without consent in some for from the photographer.


    Thank you, I guess I have no choice. I think it is just an extreme case, but it is a pity, because there were good works :(

  2. I've been infringed by websites based out of the Ukraine. I can't find any attorney that will make my claim on a contingency basis. You're very likely okay legally, but if you want to get similar work in the future, you need to take that into consideration. Use a written contract in the future. Even if it's just an email and you ask your customer to answer back that they agree with the terms in the email. Many photographers will not want to grant you any usage rights.


    Thank you. I always ask about if I can use the images in my portfolio. And this client has permitted me before, after he got mad he said I am not allowed to use any more. I wanted to know if there is some right for the retoucher. Because I mean he posts his images with my post production, so I should have the right to be in the credits. It is the same if I say he is not allowed to use the images with my editing. He can use his original images.

  3. I am from Ukraine, photographer is from USA. We worked via upwork. We didn't have a contract, we just have the chat where first he allowed the usage and after being mad - no. There are jobs, which are like contracts but it is never specified about photo usage.


    The old images that were already published in my portfolio I wasn't going to delete, because he has already given the permission. I wanted to know about the jobs that are still not published.


    Thanks a lot.

  4. Hello,


    I am a photo retoucher and I have been cooperating with one photographer for a long time. Now we had an issue: I refused to do the time consuming work for 10$. He got mad and said he won't work with me any more plus some abuse, and that I cannot use his pictures in my portfolio any more.


    Do I have the right to post the images I edited for him in my portfolio? The photographer is mad and I want to be sure that legally I don't break any rights.

    But I have the credit for the picture, because I did the editing.


    I don't show the "before" image. I always put the photographer's and retoucher's name. I know that I am not allowed to post the images in my portfolio before they are in production (magazine).


    Thanks for help in advance.

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