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Image Comments posted by rsminton

  1. I know the eyes are cut off - and this is the full frame. My question is, does that matter so

    much? This has remained one of my personal favorites since i took it, and I think the

    reasons I like it so much are its "flaws" - the framing, the motion blur, etc.


    What do you think?


    I'm trying to improve my photography, so any comments would be welcome, and if you

    could take the time to critique any of the other photos in my "Single Photos" folder, I

    would appreciate that, too.

  2. This is a beautful photo.. the colors, the texture, the clarity. My eye tends to be drawn to

    the upper right corner, which I sometimes see as glare and sometimes not. But when I try

    blocking out that section of the picture, I don't like it as much... it adds "context" in which

    to appreciate the rest of the frame.


    Great work.

    Dirty Duo


    I agree that this is a great shot, but isn't the brown background pretty much cloned in?


    It's not that I have anything against that - because it does strengthen the presentation

    quite a bit - I'm just curious.

  3. I like the diagonal, and I guess I'm confused by an earlier comment. I assume this was shot at a diagonal - tha camera was turned - rather than shot straight and tilted in Photoshop or whatever. Either way, it puts you in the perspective of the viewer, who I imagine laying in bed, perhaps, looking up at the woman in the photo.


    Great shot!

  4. This is a beautiful shot - the kind of scene that's just made for TMAX. I love the wild patterns in the tree branches and the kids, for me, add a lot to what would still be an interesting nature shot. It does seem to be slightly out of focus to me, though - or maybe that's just the film grain - but it's still a great shot.
  5. Anton,

    Thank you for your comments, but your crop is a little tight in my opinion The reason I croppped to where I did was to keep as many of the background statues in the picture as possible while featuring only one "dressed" statue (which I emphasized even further with the desaturation). I didn't place the Mickey Mouse there - it was the reason I took the picture. I believe these statues represent prayers for lost children, and the Mickey Mouse keychain was placed as an offering of sorts. (I didn't know this at the time, or I probably would have felt uncomfortable taking the picture.)

    Thanks again.


    I'm very impressed. Lighting is excellent, overhead seems to be a very good choice. I love the pose, and the black on black makes the model stand out beautifully. I've never attempted any kind of studio photography, so I don't know what goes into getting a shot like this, but it looks to me like quite an achievement.
  6. I did use Photoshop to desaturate the background. Though I rarely use Photoshop to do much more than adjust contrast, levels, etc. - in this case, I wanted the dressed statue stand out as much as possible. This is the full frame, full-color shot... what do you think?


    Abstract Wood

    I like these kind of abstract nature photos. I would like this one even more if the entire frame were in crisp focus. It seems to soften toward the top left. As it is, the blend of earth tones (green to brown), the texture of the wood and the diagonal grain are all very well done.

    boat in NH

    Sounds like Bart is on to something there. A darker, more contrasy sky would help balance the image, but you did an excellent job capturing the boat, dock and that impossibly blue water. Nice work!
  7. I'm not all that technically skilled, so I'll stay away from the contrast/lighting part of your request. As far as cropping goes, however, I think I prefer more of the full frame. I might crop in a little, but I think you may have taken a bit too much off the top.

  8. Eric,

    I love white space. But a problem I'm sure I'm not the first to notice is that whatever color you choose for the background of a photo (I'm talking about the matte, web page or whatever the photo is presented on) is basically made useless in the photo itself. This is why I use a dark gray background when I create web photo galleries. Even within the photo, white appears to be clear or nonexistant when presented on a white background, It's even worse when, as in this photo, white appears at the edge of the photo.

  9. Sharpening helped quite a bit. It brought out the dew on the leaves, which I find to be the most interesting element of this shot. Otherwise, I'm not drawn in. In my opinion, a shot like this needs vivid color, which this doesn't have.

    Tree fairy

    I like the muted colors here, but I have to agree with the comments about the butterfly. Crisper focus would be better, but I might like the photo more without it - it's hard to say. Perhaps if the butterfly were moved more to the top right of the frame - showing more of the girl's face and covering that bright spot up there.


    Nice, interesting shot, but a bit bland. Maybe it's the colors. Maybe if you moved a bit to the left so that the blueberries (or whatever those are) are more in the top left and bottom right of the frame.
  10. I went to Nashville and Memphis on a photo shoot recently (I'm a copywriter

    for an ad agency... not a pro photographer) and snapped this one off before

    being lucky enough to go and jam in the studio. It's a simple shot, but the

    blend of colors and textures appeals to me. What do you think?

  11. Anton,

    This is a great moment you captured, but the story does get lost in the clutter. Maybe it would work better as a vertical crop, losing everything left of the boy's red jacket and everything right of the shouting woman. It also doesn't help that, for the most part, they're all wearing dark clothing, but there's nothing you could do about that. Also, maybe it's just me, but the focus seems a little soft. It might pop more if it were a little sharper.

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