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Posts posted by wouk

  1. Thanks for that tip Bill C. I will wait that the lab makes their own tests and if everything seems to be ok there I will do that.


    And in anyway even though I live in a small town there is at least one more lab here so I can always try developing my films there if this lab can't find where the problem is. I would assume that the problem is that not many people develop films anymore so they don't take so good care of their machines.

  2. X ray could be a possibility because I ordered these films online. But I have had this happened from three different suppliers so I'm not sure how likely it could be. And shouldn't 100 ISO film be more immune to those X rays? And also i have had this issue from two of three films from the same supplier. So it would be strange why this one film didn't show the effect if it was due the X rays.


    Here is a quick scan from the beginning of the negative where you can also see this effect.


  3. The lines are white or whiter in the negatives so of course I can't see them between frames. But I can see them in the beginning of the film before any pictures are in the negatives. And I would think that it means that it can't be issue with my camera because that part of the film has been exposed to the light before the film was in the camera.
  4. The lines are in the negatives and they don't go between frames.


    I developed another film and it also had this issue. Not as bad but still. The lab thinks that it might be due to their machine. They mentioned something about two different lines in the machine that the film might go and maybe the other one has dirty or defective guide rollers. They haven't noticed this issue in anyone else's negatives or pictures but they will look in to it.

  5. I have strange lines in my negatives and pictures. This has happened to three of my last four films. Films that I have used were Fujifilm Superia Venus 800 and Kodak Ektar 100. This started to happen with the Superia Venus, after that one Ektar film was ok and then the last two Ektars have had this issue. I have developed these films in store and they are also looking into this. I tried to find any light leaks in my camera but at least I didn't notice any. Camera I have been using is Revue 400 SE. Anybody have any ideas?





    Don't mind the newton rings in the first picture :)

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