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Posts posted by dwighthopkins

  1. Hello all. New member here. Just joined to get in touch with people that remember and appreciate the Minolta equipment prior to Konica and Sony.


    I have some equipment that I need to sell and I'm hoping some collectors here will help me keep these goodies from ending up in a dumpster which is where my local dealer said they would put it. To be clear, all of my equipment is in very nice or pristine condition. It's just that none of the dealers want to mess with it anymore as I'm sure you are aware.


    I have two 600si bodies, one with motor drive one without, several lenses, flashes and accessories. If anyone is interested please message me and I'll send you a full list and photos. I just hate to see this classic stuff go in the trash.

  2. Hello all. New member here. Just joined to get in touch with people that remember and appreciate the Minolta equipment prior to Konica and Sony.


    I have some equipment that I need to sell and I'm hoping some collectors here will help me keep these goodies from ending up in a dumpster which is where my local dealer said they would put it. To be clear, all of my equipment is in very nice or pristine condition. It's just that none of the dealers want to mess with it anymore as I'm sure you are aware.


    I have two 600si bodies, one with motor drive one without, several lenses, flashes and accessories. If anyone is interested please message me and I'll send you a full list and photos. I just hate to see this classic stuff go in the trash.





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