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Posts posted by emi_mesic

  1. <p>Cees, you are probably right about the confusion, and agreed, the other ones are irrelevant. I might take the 200 dollars offer if I dont get more from ebay, think it is a bit strange that there are so few of these around. Will see what happens! Good for you that you got it cheap, it feels , like I said like a gamble with these ones, depends if the right collector comes along at the right time. Thanx :)</p>
  2. <p>Thank you for your replies. To people linking the results of regular Diax, Diax II b, Diax I a etc, once again: these searches are NOT relevant. This is a rangefinder camera with a fixed lens like somebody pointed out, so the regular Diax , the 1st edition is obviously not in the same price range, and , since being pretty common, obviously will not sell for the same price as a rare camera. <br>

    The ONLY Diax II sold on ebay, from what I could find, and I have searched different ebay sites , was sold for 431 dollars with the Heligon lens. Obviously, the more common lens will cause a price drop, it is however ridiculous to believe that its worth 40 dolalrs as somebody suggested. I dont have unrealistic expectaions - I will make 10 times the money even if I sell for 150, and I already have a 200 dollars offer. Will put it out soon, and lets see. <br>

    I really want to thank people who clearly knew what they were talking about and trying to help- on the other hand, I have really hard time un derstanding people who clearly had no more idea than me, googling results from cameras others than I asked about, posting it as a reply, offering "advice". I would never, ever offer advise or help in areas I am not sure about. I know how to use google, I have fingers and a laptop,and an IQ above avarage , so I find it rather insulting when people google things I have googled myself several times, posting it as an answer,pretending to be experts on pricing etc. It is confusing t me, I would never, ever offer advise to people if I have no idea about the subject, just from googling. Its just weird to me. Suggesting prices paid on garage sales is also completely useless information, because I am selling specifically to collectors and not a group of middleaged women hoping one of the will bring a photo-interested husband. I paid very little, because the guy was just selling an old camera, no idea of its worth. That does not set the worth of this camera to 15 dollars. <br>

    From the more helpful answers, what I could figure out is that it is a rare camera but not the Leica status camera, and it pretty much depend on what kind of a collector will get to ebay if I put it as an auction. On the other hand, a right collector will maybe pay really well, if I dont mind waiting. Basically, the worth is hard to establish and it depends on how badly a particular collector wants it at the time. It is rare, so I could put up a high price and wait or I could just put an auction and see how high it goes. Anyhow, thank you (the ones of you actually offering some help, you know who you are) for your help and I will let you know how it goes :) </p>

  3. <p>Thank you for your replies. To people linking the results of regular Diax, Diax II b, Diax I a etc, once again: these searches are NOT relevant. This is a rangefinder camera with a fixed lens like somebody pointed out, so the regular Diax , the 1st edition is obviously not in the same price range, and , since being pretty common, obviously will not sell for the same price as a rare camera. <br>

    The ONLY Diax II sold on ebay, from what I could find, and I have searched different ebay sites , was sold for 431 dollars with the Heligon lens. Obviously, the more common lens will cause a price drop, it is however ridiculous to believe that its worth 40 dolalrs as somebody suggested. I dont have unrealistic expectaions - I will make 10 times the money even if I sell for 150, and I already have a 200 dollars offer. Will put it out soon, and lets see. <br>

    I really want to thank people who clearly knew what they were talking about and trying to help- on the other hand, I have really hard time un derstanding people who clearly had no more idea than me, googling results from cameras others than I asked about, posting it as a reply, offering "advice". I would never, ever offer advise or help in areas I am not sure about. I know how to use google, I have fingers and a laptop,and an IQ above avarage , so I find it rather insulting when people google things I have googled myself several times, posting it as an answer,pretending to be experts on pricing etc. It is confusing t me, I would never, ever offer advise to people if I have no idea about the subject, just from googling. Its just weird to me. Suggesting prices paid on garage sales is also completely useless information, because I am selling specifically to collectors and not a group of middleaged women hoping one of the will bring a photo-interested husband. I paid very little, because the guy was just selling an old camera, no idea of its worth. That does not set the worth of this camera to 15 dollars. <br>

    From the more helpful answers, what I could figure out is that it is a rare camera but not the Leica status camera, and it pretty much depend on what kind of a collector will get to ebay if I put it as an auction. On the other hand, a right collector will maybe pay really well, if I dont mind waiting. Basically, the worth is hard to establish and it depends on how badly a particular collector wants it at the time. It is rare, so I could put up a high price and wait or I could just put an auction and see how high it goes. Anyhow, thank you (the ones of you actually offering some help, you know who you are) for your help and I will let you know how it goes :) </p>

  4. <p>Thank you all. I do think that, as somebody mentioned, the only thing that is relevant are the current ebay sales. I do not intend on having a garage sale. To collectors, a "small" thing , like model being a regular Diax, a Diax II , II a, b or Diax I a or b DO play a huge role. What I know is that just lens from this camera is gerally sold for over 90 dollars on ebay, and the ONLY international sale of this camera is on ebay is 431 dollars. If people sold the lens for 120 dollars just a cople of days ago, I simply have a hard time believing that a rare camera with that lens should be sold for less. I do appreciate the feedback, but I simply have a hard time believing a rare camera should be sold for less than a super common zorki 3 or kiev that go for 80 dolalrs. Each to their own, I will price it slightly lower than the other seller on ebay and see what happens. Cheers. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Diax-II-Rodenstock-Diax-Heligon-2-45mm-2313653-/252440625233?hash=item3ac6a24051:g:5DEAAOSwJ7RYVU3j </p>
  5. <p>Hey guys!<br>

    I dont know much about photo nor cameras, but I got my hands on a Diax II and my search shows that it is very, very rare camera with a desirable lens. I want to sell it, have however a hard time pricing it, since it is very rare and no ebay entries. Cant find one place that sells it, so would grately appreciate any help. I see that the lens only sells for 100 plus dollars, but how shoud I price it *did find that it was sold for 430 dolars on enay previously, but I have no idea about the condition of the one I have, dont even know how to check if it works... ANy help appreciated!</p>

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