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Image Comments posted by yves_petit


    Oui Pierre, il faut se souvenir de tout et tout rechercher de notre passé. Nous savons depuis longtemps que ce passé était très violent, chaque tribu se battant pour préserver son territoire, sa nourriture, ses acquis. Heureusement, la civilisation ( de mœurs convenables et raffinées) a lentement permis l'émergence de l'homme moderne. Mais on sait tous que le chemin vers l'harmonie sera long, très long.
  1. We should all be very careful when commenting on these schools as there is much political correctness (pensée unique) and ignorance about what really happened.


    In the 1920's, Dr. Peter H. Bryce, then chief medical inspector for the canadian federal government, mentionned in a report "in no instance was a child awaiting admission to school found free from tuberculosis.” Bryce referenced an “excessive mortality” in children ages 5-10, noting that infection was primarily contracted in their family homes and then spread in the schools."


    In 2015, Tomson Highway, renowned Cree playwright, told the now-defunct Huffington Post Canada that he spent nine of the “happiest years” of his life at a residential school. The school, called the Guy Hill Residential School, was run by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

    This beautiful plant is called Arisaema triphyllum....jack-in-the-pulpit....arisème petit-prêcheur.
  2. Bravo Svetlana for this beautiful photo with 6 subjects: the pianist, the photographer, the bride, the hairdresser, the onlooker and of course Ukraine which is on everyone's mind. I admire the courage of your soldiers, your president and the whole population which acts as a determined David facing a raging Goliath. Paix à l'Ukraine, Dieu vous garde!
  3. Pour éviter des recherches aux amateurs de cette photo. Rabouilleur, rabouilleuse - Personne qui trouble l'eau pour effrayer et pêcher les écrevisses.


    To avoid searching for amateurs of this photo. Rabouilleur, rabouilleuse - Person who disturbs the water to frighten and catch crayfish.

  4. Gaétan, jardin Jeanne-d'Arc serait mieux dit! La pucelle d'Orléans qui a contribué à bouter les Anglais hors de France serait certainement outré qu'on cite son nom en anglais dans la capitale de l'Amérique française. C'est, par ailleurs, une très belle photo de celle qui s'est battu principalement en solitaire.

    John, you have surpassed yourself with this beautiful woman, who seems to be about to tell you...now, is this OK with you, John?
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