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Posts posted by t.k._liechty

  1. I feel I must respond to Mr. Meyer. Be fully assured that this is an

    imformational response and not an advisarial one.




    Ms. Kimbrell used the term "begining" studio. To me begining doesn't

    imply full blown business. I could be wrong, I have been many times.

    However I can say that all the jobs I have done over the las 20 years

    the only impression that the client wants is what ends up on the

    film. Indeed most have no idea what is state of the art equiptment.

    After all low priced or high priced stands are in fact aluminum





    My main flash is an old Honeywell 770 (that was included in the $35

    Yashica camera) which bounced in the umbrella is f8 at 12 feet with

    ASA 100 film. The other two flash units are old Sears which I use for

    fill and background. The fill bounced is two stops under at 8 feet

    and the background is covered with a three stop ND filter to make it

    .5 stop over main.




    I know that the impressional aspect of the business is with other

    photographers when involved in one-upmanship bull sessions. The

    client wouldn't come to you if he knew all about photograhpy





    Mine works for me and is a beginning in studio work. I fullly expect

    that it wouldn't be sutible for all. It is however an alternative to

    high intrest loans and time wasted waiting to save enough to start.




    T.K. Liechty

  2. Darlene,




    OK. I am a $2 man in a $5 world. Because of this I am also a MacGiver

    kind of guy. The following is how I built my studio. First I read

    everything I could find and filtered the most essential from it.




    I aquired three flash units, no not studio but what you slide on to

    your camera. It's important to get the kind that have AC adapters. I

    shopped Pawn shops, second hand stores, swap meets and yard sales to

    aquire these units. I bought two of those little peanut slave units

    at under $5 each.




    I bought two umberellas from a clearence store for $3 each and took

    them apart for patterns and got white sheets a sewed them together

    for white umbrellas (better if you can find white ones to begin with,

    hard in my area). I then did the same with black sheets to use as a

    removeable back for the umbrellas.




    I had some aluminum tubing, inch and a half diameter, and I conected

    them to old office chair bottoms with the wheels for my stands.




    I bought a second hand Wien WP1000 flash meter for $60 and a Yashica

    mat TLR for $35 at a swap meet. At the same meet I found a monopod

    that has fold out legs for my background light.




    With this set up I have been able to learn much about lighting and I

    can do some pretty impressive photos. Most of all I am having fun and

    no serious out lay for equiptment. Little by little I can upgrade and

    get better equiptment to make the job easier.




    So you can listen to everyone and still not know or you can jump in

    with both feet and have fun and learn something.

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