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Posts posted by kelly_hughes1

  1. Well, 8.75 years later, looks like I'm the first person in history to own both the Konica 35-70 f3.5-4.5 and the Minolta 35-70 f3.5 macro. Actually, the Konica is on the way, so I'm not the first YET, but it looks imminent. Supposed to be excellent condition, we'll see. I guess I'll have to do some comparisons for the world, since I looked on every forum I could find and nobody seemed to have both.


    I don't have an AR to Sony E adapter for my A7rII, so I'll be using them both on my OM-D M-10 mark II since I have the M43 adapter for both AR and MD. The light weight of the Konica is exactly why I got that lens -- because it's 215g as opposed to 355g for the Minolta. That's substantial when your other lenses are 190g and 125g. Love the Minolta so far, but too heavy for my M43 bag.


    I also have the Konica 50mm f1.8 on the way too. Not sure if it's the 175g metal version or the 150g plastic one, but either is in the range to put it in competition against my MD 50/2 (150g), which I'll try to compare also. I want a fast 80mm to 100m type fast portrait lens, and with 2X crop, a fast 50 is perfect. If the image quality between the two 50's is indiscernible, I'll go with the Konica for the shorter adapter.


    I'll be back in a few days. I'm not a pro, and won't be using any test charts, but I'll try to take similarly framed shots with the same settings. Also, there might be a cat picture or two... :)

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