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Posts posted by jano_sterzing

  1. <p>Hi Carl, that would be great, thank you very much. <br>

    My comparison can be found here:</p>









    I heard people saying there are later versions from the 20mm and 80-200 L with better performance. They upgraded something in the production. But I can´t find informations about this in the world wide web. It´s the lenses with the late serial numbers. But I don't´know if this exists only to a few FD lenses or also to others like the 17mm.

  2. <p>Thanks Carl, the preowner board the lens from a camera store and owned it over 10 years. Maybe you´re right and it´s just a bad model. Maybe you like to check the images and let me know how they compare to your experience. I´m using the lens on a A7.<br>

    Images shoot in RAW -0.7EV no editing at all. Exported with lightroom jpg 100%<br>



  3. <p>Hello,<br>

    I just bought a Canon nFD 17mm 4 in very good condition. I own also a Tokina RMC II 17mm 3.5.<br>

    The Canon was supposed to be the the upgrade for the Tokina. I did some pictures just out of my window to compare both.<br>

    I was shocked how bad the Canon was. There are a lot of informations in the web and people are saying the Canon is one if the best 17mm old wide angle lens you can buy and it is much better as the Tokina. The Tokina is very bad wide open, but the Canon as well. Stopped down to f5.6 and f8 the Tokina is the clear winner in sharpness, specially in the corners. The Canon is very mushy in the corners and it´s getting even worse if I stop more down. I think it´s a really strange behavior. Maybe something is wrong with the lens.<br>

    What do you think?</p>

    <p><img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Tokina%20f3.5.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Tokina%20f5.6.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Tokina%20f8.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p><img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Canon%20f4.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Canon%20f5.6.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="/Users/janosterzing/Desktop/Canon%20f8.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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