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Image Comments posted by nikonuserf100


    Very nice effect coming from a consumer camera. It goes to show that many cameras can take a great photo as long as there is a good photographer behind the lens.
  1. Sorry Richard, this shot was taken from a small walk bridge going across the water flow. People walking on the bridge makes it difficult to shoot a long exposure. Three times the water flows over this waterfalls in the Spring.

    Tetons Backdrop

    I liked you photo. I love that part of the country and like the way the fence frames the Tetons but I feel it distracts from the mountain range. Do you have any shots where you backed off from the fence a little more?


    Reminds me of the 1950's B&W SciFi classic: 'THEM'. This color version is quite interesting. Not your run-of-the-mill bug photo. Very nice.

    Dale Chihuly #19

    Thanks Sondra. I saw almost the same photo in the Oct. 2005 issue of PCPhoto magazine. I'm bias ... I think my photo was better. It all goes to show, no matter how good your photos are ... if you don't have the right connections, they don't get published.


    Zion is one of my favorite place. This is a nice shot, but I think a little dodging and burning are in order to make a more pleasing composition ... but then, that's just my opinion.

    antelope canyon

    You know ... you just don't get the full scope of Antelope Canyon with this tight shot of an area of it. I think a wider angle shot might have been better. However, the colors are true and natural.
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