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Posts posted by john_hills

  1. <p>Greetings from a long time lurker here. I encountered a funny little situation. I have been a wedding photog for 10 years, shooting between 10 - 20 weddings a year. I shot this micro-managing brides wedding 3 weeks ago. It was a good wedding with cloudy day and good setting. 3 weeks after I posted some creamd de la creme samples on my facebook page. I fully expected praises from this bride because I have gotten praises from samples that were not this good.</p>

    <p>To my surprise, the email I got from this bride about the samples was "Don't Rush. I want my wedding photos to look perfect."<br>

    Just a one sentence reply which I consider it quite rude. My feelings aside that reply got me a little worried. She did prohibit some traits of a bridezilla but I wouldn't say she was one on that day. </p>

    <p>Her set is now almost done but I went back with a fine tooth comb and chopped out a few that was on the bubble. I'm not going to give her the set until 2 months after or when she asks me again seeing that she equates time with quality. Other that these, what would you do? </p>

    <p> </p>

    <h3 ><a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bridezilla"> </a></h3>

    <p> </p>

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