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Image Comments posted by mauriciorojas

    Coming & Going

    Technically speaking, may I ask you how you achieved this shot? Only until recently I have become more and more interested in these type of images: blurry, spontaneous, artistic, vignettes, scratches.... Your image is very appealing to my taste. Congrats! (I just hope is not photoshop...., altough it doesn't look like it is).
  1. The perspective doesn't work for me, but others might have a different opinion. I don't know, perhaps is the fact that there is no eye contact? However, you were able to find a great spot for a candid portrait.. the blue wall is great.
  2. There is a good book called Sleeping Beauties. It focuses on a collection of luxury cars that were photographed in a state of complete decay. Very intersting story behind the collection.... but any way. This shot reminds me of that book. I like the compression and the overall mood of the image. One thing I don't like is that it looks a bit over-manipulated for my taste. Still, good job!

    Over the Rhine

    Your picture has a certain mood that makes it somewhat attractive. At first I didn't notice the river on the window, but then I saw it. I think that adds depth to the image. I like it...



    You are kidding... this is gorgeous. I would love to have the opportunity to get shots like this one. Bravo!


    Did you manipulate it digitally in any way?



    I love the backgrounds you produce on your portfolio.. .but here again I'm a bit too distracted by the floor...


    Keep up the good work! I enjoyed viewing your portfolio.


    Not only your technique, but also the way you direct the model adds to the overall vintage look. The hands, that's the key to make it look like a daguerrotype... don't you agree?



    Recently I have been very interested in vintage photography, or at least trying to come up with images that look vintage. This is a perfect example. Very good job!




    Something doesn't work for me in this picture, altough I think it exhibits very good technique. I love the background, but the fact that the floor is not the same texture is too distracting for my taste. I think the two planes intersecting create a bit of a distraction from the girl.

    Long necked girl

    Steve McCurry style! Good job. Perhaps composing vertically instead of horizontally would have emphasized the long neck even more. Also, the light looks too flat. Did you take it with flash?

    Sari Worker

    I agree with most of the comments above. It's a fantastic photo opportunity, great colors, texture.. but I feel the composition could have worked better if the ammount of wall showed on both sides was the same. Or maybe even a thighter cropping. Still, tremendous picture. Congratulations.


    Welcome to the fantastic world of photography! Very candid shot. Kids are really hard to photograph since they move a lot and is hard to give them direction, but you did it well. Great moment!

    i wanna play...

    The lighting is really good and the moment is brilliant. Even better if you had composed more to the right, eliminating more of the black area and showing more window... don't you agree? Just an opinion. Good job.
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