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anders hald

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Image Comments posted by anders hald



    Oh, there is one more. Actually I prefer the other one, altough you have more contact here. I am a little distracted by the people in the background. I can see a good shot of him, head on, all the blue up against the cream wall, making sure that you get the 'Jesus' cap right in the viewers face.


    I really like the subject though.


    Best regards,






    Hi David.


    Interesting image, a lot of blues and reds going on. I feel it's a bit of a shame you have no contact with him. I get the feeling that you walked past him, saw an image, walked on a bit and then snuck a picture with a long lens.


    In principal there is nothing wrong with that if it makes a better image...but in this case I get the feeling you missed the opportunity to get a great portrait. He is a wonderful character and you could have probably maintained the colours you have going on.


    I can't remember who said it, maybe it was Robert Capa, "if your images aren't good enough, you're not close enough" and that sort of applies here.


    But I do love the colours.


    Best regards,




    Hi Marcus.


    Amazingly this post is still going strong. When reviewing the debate this time, I remembered Hans Christian Andersen's wonderful "The Snowqueen", I read to my daughter recently.


    An evil "troll," "actually the devil himself," makes a magic mirror that has the power to distort the appearance of things reflected in it. It fails to reflect all the good and beautiful aspects of people and things while it magnifies all the bad and ugly aspects so that they look even worse than they really are. The devil teaches a "devil school," and the devil and his pupils delight in taking the mirror throughout the world to distort everyone and everything. They enjoy how the mirror makes the loveliest landscapes look like "boiled spinach." They then want to carry the mirror into heaven with the idea of making fools of the angels and God, but the higher they lift it, the more the mirror grins and shakes with delight. It shakes so much that it slips from their grasp and falls back to earth where it shatters into billions of pieces, some no larger than a grain of sand. These splinters are blown around and get into people's hearts and eyes, making their hearts frozen like blocks of ice and their eyes like the troll-mirror itself, only seeing the bad and ugly in people and things.


    Hopefully enough people will see the beauty in this image that the trolls will fail to spoil it.


    Best regards,


  1. Ha ha. Great image... Baywatch meets Barbie. I think this is a great take on the genre 'naked women on beach'. Photo.net is full of luasy cheap shots af naked females, so this really made me laugh! Great shot, really weel seen and executed.




    Best regards,

    Anders Hald



    Hi John.


    I am not quite sure if I understand the process? Do you let the model edit/postprocess the image? I think it is an interesting idea to bring the model in as a 'co-creator' in the sense that the model can contribute with display of character, but surely the photo technical stuff is the photographer's responsibility, is it not?


    Anyway. The model looks amazing and I like the contrast between her physical perfection and the mundanity of the room. If this is part of a series and ongoing work (sorry, I haven't spent any time on photo.net for years, so I am a little out of touch) I am sure will be a wonderful project. I will go straight to your gallries and see what else you have done.


    There are so many boring and unimaginative images of naked women, but this I think actually adds to the genre.


    Great shot.


    Best regards,




    What a stunning portrait. I love the quality of the light from the chandelier and the amazing green walls. Great work. I am not so sure about the black border, it ads a sense of mourning and melodrama that I don't think is necessary. The picture is very strong on it's own.


    Best regards,



    Gee thanks Rob! If you disagree with my comment, why not argue your point, rather than 'hitting' me back with low ratings. Or, if you really dislike my image...at least argue your 1/1 rating. If you have a look at my comments throughout the years you will see that I always argue low or high ratings, and that I tend to dislike boring, repetitive, unimaginative images of girls in bikinis. Beautiful girls in pictures can be wonderful, but it must be done with some imagination and flair for what is beautiful, sexy and elegant. I am afraid that your image is not!



    What a waste of film and a pretty girls time!


    Why did you take this picture? Ok, maybe it's an opportunity for you to spend some time in the company of a cute girl in a bikini, that's fair enough. But why would you share it here? So we can say: 'Yeah, she's cute', or 'gee, the surface of the water reflects her image, WOW!'. Sorry I don't like the image, nor the reflection. The image is boring, clich饤 and not particularly well crafted. Sure the exposure is all right, it is reasonably sharp and the girl is pretty, but with a pretty girl and a $60 camera with a pop up flash, anyone could achieve this without even concentrating. Surely you could have come up with better things to do with this girl?


    Anders Hald





    Marcus. Hold your head up and feel proud, the image is wonderful and intimate. Sad that it sparks this dull old debate. The image is not pornographic, but you just know it will get the Americans going (sorry, and a few Belgians). Any abuse of children is sad, and childporn should be punished hard and Dutroux should hang by his balls until death (how could you possibly bring him up in the context of this image???). For a parent to shoot such a tender and beautiful image of their child and to post it here is perfectly fine. I guess we Scandinavians have a much healthier attitude towards the human body (adult or child) than the the ones demonstrated in this debate. If you really want to protect children, stop feeding them happy meals and coke three times a week, start them exercising, make the roads safer, decrease pollution, ban the use of Phtalates in products for children and drop the hysterical fuss over this lovely image!


    Anders Hald

    The kiss


    What an excellent picture. I think the kids are great, cute but not (like many kids pictures here) banal. I love the tonality of the image. I can see from your other work that you know exactly what you are doing with image tones. Don't listen to the 'too dark, too flat' chorus. A lot of people seem to have a problem with images that are different from the picture examples in the camera manuals...


    Great work!


    Anders Hald

  2. Cute kid, really, but why am I looking at it? This picture is perfect for the wallet, but since I don't know either you or your kid, I find it difficult to find this image interesting. As a subject matter kids can be a wonderful theme, but you have to explore the subject and find out what it is that you want to tell me. Sally Mann uses pictures of her kids to explore a number of complex themes about nostalgia, innocence and emerging sexuality and loss of innocence. But the pictures are not about her children but childhood in general. It touches upon emotions and themes that are more or less universal, which is why so many people find her work interesting. Keep at it, and please keep posting images. Best regards, Anders Hald.


    What a wonderful image...but how dissapointing to see that you don't spend the 30 seconds it would take to clean-up the white specks from the scanning. Treat your work with a little respect, it's a truly wonderful picture, it deserves better!
  3. Hi Volker.

    Great picture, great colours. What a shame the picture is juuuuust leaning to the left. It would greatly improve the picture, if you straightened it up in the cropping. I think because the picture is so linear in it's composition it needs to be level. This detail probably bothers me, because the picture is otherwise so perfect. All the best, Anders

  4. This whole folder is wonderful. It's funny, kitch, and very sweet at the same time. There is an innocence to the images that is very nice. I think it is also very stylish in all it's clanky homemadeness, this image in particular. It strikes me as somehow significant that you have a snapshot of 'Magnum', as all these cirls could have been extras in that universe.
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