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Posts posted by john_higgins4

  1. <p>Update!</p>

    <p>Well, it appears that Nikon Canada can still service the F6. They were able to specifically confirm that.</p>

    <p>Meanwhile I <em>might</em> have "fixed" it by myself. There was a slight play/looseness in the film back where the thumb rest is (ie. where the film rollers contact the sprocket wheels). I bent the back in the other direction and now that play is entirely gone. I hope this creates a more solid contact between the rollers and the sprockets. I'll see in the upcoming tests.</p>

  2. <p>I checked KEH. They are "<cite>not currently accepting any international repairs</cite>".</p>

    <p>I wouldn't like to take the Japan route again due to the extreme cost. The CAD-to-JPY has now tanked to below 80.</p>

    <p>Regardless; Looks like Nikon Canada replied to me on the Nikon USA site, stating that they accept the F6 for service and repair. I'll need to ask them further about their contradictory responses.</p>

  3. <p>Hello Frank,</p>

    <p>Thank you for your response.</p>

    <p>I have thought about this approach. While I am taking Japanese language courses, I am currently unable to communicate in Japanese.</p>


    <p>I can take the Japan route again through a broker. It's just something I wouldn't like to do again due to the extreme costs (ex.: $105 CAD just to ship my camera over, and that's excluding insurance).</p>

  4. <p>Addendum:</p>

    <p>This is beyond the scope of my original question, but I'll write the details of the problem here.</p>

    <p>This problem is <em>intermittent/inconsistent</em>.<br /> This problem <em>seems</em> to lessen/disappear if I put the camera into Continuous Silent advance mode.<br /> The vibrations <em>seem</em> to lessen if I press hard on the film back with my right thumb (where the thumb normally rests).<br /> The vibrations <em>seem</em> to be the strongest where the film rollers are located, which is right underneath the thumb-rest. Two of the film rollers (the two fixed ones) seem to press the film onto the two sprocket wheels.</p>

    <p>I have an impression that something is happening with the sprocket wheels, the film rollers or both. The film rollers rotate freely and loosely when I spin them with my fingers. The sprocket wheels are also freely moving to a degree - this is outlined in the manual regarding frame-number alignment. Also outlined in the manual is the observation of film advance with the back open. I have done this with two "dead" rolls and can see that the film seems to be advancing normally. The perforations however are not engaged with the sprocket wheels, probably because the film rollers are not pressing down on the film.</p>

    <p>Are the sprocket wheels supposed to be motorized?</p>

  5. <p>Hello Frank,</p>

    <p>Thank you for your response. Unfortunately Nikon Canada told me that the F6 is no longer serviceable when I asked them about it back in January.</p>

    <p>Here is the response from Nikon Canada, retrieved from their online communication history:</p>

    <p><em>Thank you for contacting Nikon Canada.</em><br /><br /><em>Unfortunately, Nikon Japan has discontinued the parts for this product and we no longer offer repair or maintenance services for this product.</em><br /><br /><em>For a complete list of products that we can service, please see the link below:</em><br /><em>Answer Title: List of repairable Nikon products at Nikon Factory Service Centre</em><br /><em>Answer Link: <a href="https://help.nikon.ca/app/answers/detail/a_id/19313" target="_blank">https://help.nikon.ca/app/answers/detail/a_id/19313</a></em><br /><br /><em>Please contact us at <a href="http://www.nikon.ca" target="_blank">http://www.nikon.ca</a> for more sales information and application assistance. Nikon Canada Inc. would like to be of further service to you.</em><br /><br /><em>Again, thank you for your interest in Nikon Canada Inc.</em><br /><br /><em>The Nikon Team</em><br /> <br /> <em><br /></em>Indeed the F6 is not listed in the link provided.</p>

    <p>The problem with my F6 is an observed inconsistent film advance. There are gaps of various widths on the film. This means I can only get 34 or 35 exposures from a nominally 36-exposure (or 37 if I'm lucky) roll.</p>

    <p>In addition, during film advance, there is a strong vibration in the camera back, accompanied by a "fluttering" noise. Something akin to a helicopter rotor or a truck's jake-brakes. Not as loud, of course.</p>

  6. <p>Hey guys, thanks for the responses.</p>

    <p>I wouldn't consider $1000 CAD - the average price for a used F6 - to be "incredibly inexpensive". I have also already put close to $700 CAD worth of services into this body - in Japan. Though the actual "service" may have only cost about half that - the rest were fees, shipping and losses due to currency conversion.</p>

    <p>Which brings me back to the reason I'm here: I really would not like to take the Japan option again.</p>

    <p>I have attempted to contact Mister John Crane who maintains the beautiful <em>nikonf6.net</em> website regarding service possibilities, since he wrote about having his F6 serviced and modified in late 2015 by Nikon USA. I have unfortunately received no answer.</p>

    <p>I shall heed your advice and attempt to contact Nikon USA directly about this. But if they cannot (or choose not to) do it - and if a workshop as large as APS cannot do it - then I highly doubt any independent Canadian workshop can do it either.</p>

    <p>Thanks again.</p>

  7. <p>I am a Canadian Nikon user with an F6 camera. Nikon of Canada is no longer capable of servicing this camera.</p>

    <p>I have contacted the famous APS of Morton Grove regarding possible service. They have told me to refer to Nikon USA instead (implying that they are unable of servicing the F6).</p>

    <p>I can see that the Nikon USA website has a self-service repair submission function. I was just wondering whether they perform repairs for non-US customers.</p>

    <p>Thank you all.</p>

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