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Posts posted by james_mickeson

  1. <p>I bought a Kowa 6 30 years ago and had jam issues. All that seemed to fix it was taking out the film and shooting off that frame. Of course that ruined the roll. No amount of winder manipulation or taking off the lens worked. I fiddled with the camera, took it to my local (very knowledgeable) repair shop, and nothing worked. After 100's of rolls throught it I inadvertently dropped it last month and broke it. My 55mm lens broke along with denting the body so severely that it was not fixable. I should have kept it for spare parts but I thought I'd just sell the lenses and get something else. But instead I bought another body. And you guessed it......this body jams too. I didn't test I for too long and now own it. I checked it out after it jammed on the first frame. Taking out the roll of film unjammed it. Putting the roll back in jammed it again. I pressed every part of the film transport mechanism and could not get it to jam but put the film in and ....jam!!! I'm stumped. I took out the pressure plate and no jam. Put it back in and jam. I put all the pressure I could generate on the top roller and no jam. I put pressure on the film against the guides and no jam. Put the film in and ....jam. Any help?</p>
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