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Posts posted by emrehan_tuzun

  1. <p>Thank you Hector for the link.</p>

    <p>The reason I'm looking for 35mm focal length is there're already a few 35mm digital compacts on the market and it seems like they'll make more. I'm planning to get into this camp and stick to this focal length with my film camera as well. I have a 42mm Olympus 35 RC and 24-75mm Lumix LX100 at the moment. 35mm is the most important factor for me on that list.</p>

    <p>Out of the recommendation only Nikon 35Ti fits all the needs except it's not compact at all. <br>

    Minox ML is nice but it's limited to 400ISO and I frequently push my film to 800ISO.<br>

    I didn't know about Yashica T series but they're all automatic and I'm not a fan of vignette. </p>

    <p>Thank you all, any more recommendations? </p>

  2. <p>Hello,</p>

    <p >I'm looking for a film camera with the following features:</p>

    <p > </p>


    <li>Small form factor.</li>

    <li>33-37mm focal length.</li>

    <li>At least 1/500 shutter speed.</li>

    <li>Some sort of automatic exposure and manual override or exposure compensation or, at the very least, exposure lock.</li>

    <li>800 ASA option.</li>

    <li>Fast and silent operations.</li>



    <p >Olympus XA satisfies all these points with the only downside of only having +1.5 EV exposure compensation manual override.</p>

    <p >Is there any other camera with <em>all</em> of these features?</p>

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