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Image Comments posted by jschlach

  1. i had taken the day off of work and decided to shoot provia for the

    first time, in my pentax. i came upon this scene on a walk in san

    francisco's mission district, a very colorful part of the city. the

    image of bush with distractions.. both natural (the shadows) and

    unnatural (the graffiti) captured me. i framed out other windows and

    garbage when i hit the shutter button. after i scanned it onto my

    computer, i further cropped. the image is still a little busy to me.

    i kept in the sidewalk (angled walks are a trademark of sf!) but is

    there still too much going on?


    i like the crop. i think leaving a little horizon at the bottom is perfect.. it gives you a hint of what the scene is like. the way the burned out sub and fall-off turned out make interesting flow in the image. good job!

    White Daisys

    i like pattern shots, but am kind of picky about them. while i like your shot, i see two separate patterns. the top three are in a single-file line like they're following the first one. the bottom two are very close, like one his hiding behing the other.. i think this would have made two distinct shots than one. just something to think about.
  2. i only get one or two shots i like on a roll when i go out shooting.

    and sometimes i get that one shot i think is worthy to show someone

    besides my parents. i'm pretty proud of this one.. but i'd like some

    constructive criticism. most of my shots aren't as good as this one.

    i'm looking to bring me entire work up a level. thanks photo gurus!

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