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Posts posted by james_sidgwick

  1. <p>Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately there's a film in the camera at the moment. I'll try and finish it off this weekend, and have a look at the shutter mechanism and the mirror seal (which I did replace, yes) to see if there's anything obvious I can fix myself.<br>

    If not, I'll get it to a repair shop to look at replacing the shutter mechanism.<br>

    I had the camera imported from Japan, so would be relatively expensive to send back. I've grown quite attached to it, so as long as repairing it isn't too expensive, I'll stick with it rather than buy a new one.</p>

  2. <p>Hello,<br>

    I was hoping someone would be able to help with the problem I’ve been having with my Nikon FE:</p>

    <p>The camera is new to me, and I’ve just got my first film developed. Generally, the photos have come out well. However, I noticed some were missing, and looking at the negatives, 12 of the 36 are completely blank (unexposed).<br>

    The unexposed photos are seemingly randomly distributed throughout the negatives.<br>

    I replaced the seals in the camera before I shot the film. The battery light comes on when I press it (indicating that it’s not a problem with flat batteries), and the camera seems to be in good condition otherwise.<br>

    I thought my next step should be to take my camera to a specialist, but I’d rather sort it out myself it not too complicated. Might anyone have any suggestions?</p>

    <p><img src="C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Capture.JPG" alt="" /><img src="C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Capture.JPG" alt="" /></p><div>00dnhJ-561412584.JPG.06e3fbad09ce38f13356363fcb78e33c.JPG</div>

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