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Image Comments posted by jonathon_shaw

  1. This picture was puzzling at first and I would have continued on to the next photo had it not been for the caption. Once the viewer knows that the boy is fishing, especially an Anglo-American such as myself, a new process of inspection begins. The viewer relates the activity mentioned to his own experiences (a great contrast from my stereotype of fishing) and the subject is moved from the boy to his environment. This also makes the cropping affective. Had the subject been the boy from the start to finsish of inspection, the centering would have been undesireable.


    I believe that captions should only be included if they bring additional information to the viewer. Many times photographers add captions and create a redundancy. That redundancy destroys or reduces the integrety of the presentation (presentation in this case meaning the single photograph and caption) and lessens the respect the viewer has for the photo/caption and, ultimately, the photographer.


    The caption being very short, one word in English, but very powerful, also builds the respect of the viewer towards the presentation/photographer. Good job.

  2. I like this picture a lot. The "cramped" (in a good way) dimensions add to the feeling that the cat is ready to spring into play at any moment. The depth of field also adds to this feeling and the off centering of the subject keeps the viewer from being too intrusive. Excellent job in delivering an idea without fault.
  3. I like this picture. It may be a bit too top heavy with the branches of the tree covering half of the image. I like the fact that the man is off center, but could he have been in a different location? The caption makes my eyes look for that friend, but when I see the patient party staring at the edge of the picture, my search is ended abruptly. However, I certainly like the picture much more than I dislike it.



    Good foreground and background. Many times (some of my pictures, for example) only contain the mountains and lack interesting foreground, or lack foreground all together. The variety of colors from water to sky is stunning, if not overly so. Perhaps a lower contrast would be in order? Or, maybe not.


    Though I dub a photo such as this a cliche, I myself try to capture images like these and commend those who do so. Good job.

  4. The narrower, but more well lit lower right of the picture leading to the larger mass, but not as bright upper left, as well as the wonderful light fall off give this picture wonderful asymmetry. However, (perhaps because of the size of the "print", not the photographers fault) I couldn't tell what the subject was without the caption.

    Auto eye

    This picture lacks aesthetic appeal because of the extreme detail of lashes and eyelids. However, its originality cannot be argued greatly, and the flawless surface of the eye itself is appealing because of its orb-like quality.
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