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Posts posted by don_parsisson

  1. <p>This is a very interesting discussion as I've just acquired my first 4x5 camera (used) and am trying to figure out the best system for developing my own B+W film. I missed the closing date for this tank system so what are the other redly available choices as a reasonable cost for both the equipment and amount of chemicals needed? BTW, I've been looking at the Monobath Developer from New55. Anyone have experience with it yet?</p>
  2. <p>I have to replace the bellows on my second-hand OmegaView 45D. It appears that I have to partly disassemble both front and rear standards and probably unglue the old bellows. But I don't want to take apart anything that I don't have to. Is there any video or other on-line help for this or guidance from one of you who has done it? Thank you for any help you can offer.</p>
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