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Posts posted by lisa_falcone

  1. <p><strong>Thank you all for your generosity of time and for your advice</strong>. Points above area well taken, and I do plan on going through a full training and preparation before committing to doing wedding photography.<br>

    <br /> I am looking at the <strong><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-Digital-Focus-S-18-55mm-3-5-5-6G/dp/B00HQ4W1QE/ref=pd_sim_sbs_421_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=41f0l9CPtDL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=1GYRMVR375VQ67M50MG3">Nikon D3300 camera</a></strong> as a possible beginner-friendly camera. Any thoughts on this camera? know anyone who uses this? how is the quality of the photos it produces? <br>

    <br /> I look forward to and appreciate your input.<br /> Lisa</p>

  2. <p>I'm a beginner wedding photographer but have read a few very promising reviews of the <strong>Nikon D750</strong>.<br>

    <br /> Although, I am curious, <strong>what do photographers in this forum think of the Nikon D750?</strong><br>

    <br /> The following kit seems reasonable priced (by virtue of it being a kit with many additional components offered:<br>

    <strong><a href="http://www.rakuten.com/prod/nikon-d750-digital-slr-camera-4-lens-kit-18-55mm-vr-70-300-mm-32gb-kit/282970286.html?listingId=420155344&sclid=pla_google_GetItSpeedy&adid=29963&rmatt=tsid:1012713%7ccid:247411609%7cagid:14870303929%7ctid:pla-84783089209%7ccrid:60879544009%7cnw:g%7crnd:8163545540830676145%7cdvc:c%7cadp:1o1&gclid=Cj0KEQiAzai0BRCs2Yydo8yptuIBEiQAN3_lFl_KvjOX0Y62odJLRDYXwgm3Qn0zwhuk3ZIrJTA2buUaAoAT8P8HAQ&ranMID=36342&ranEAID=TnL5HPStwNw&ranSiteID=TnL5HPStwNw-10RSx5TtZF76iWUlY6ZYxA&scid=af_linkshare&adid=18094&siteID=TnL5HPStwNw-10RSx5TtZF76iWUlY6ZYxA">Nikon D750 Digital SLR Camera kit</a></strong><br>

    <br /> Also, do you think these two lenses would be the best to start off with for wedding photography? might there be other lenses that would be more appropriate for wedding photography specifically that I should purchase?<br>

    <br /> <strong>Furthermore, does anyone know about Rakuten as a vendor? good/bad experiences?</strong><br>

    Thanks so much,<br /> Lisa</p>

  3. <p><blockquote><strong>Moderator Note: </strong>Moved from <strong>Beginner forum</strong> to this forum</blockquote>.<P>

    Hello all,<br>

    <br />I am a beginner photographer with a keen interest in getting started in wedding photography.<br>

    <br />I realize that it is difficult to provide a "one size fits all" recommendation for a camera and I understand it ultimately depends on the style of wedding photography I am looking to achieve.<br>

    <br />Without asking too many questions or running through "if this", "then that" scenarios, I am looking for the best general wedding camera and lens recommendations for someone who is looking to take very solid wedding photos. And it cant break the bank too.<br>

    <br /> <strong>In short, if you were the author of a feature article in AmericanPhoto and it was titled "The Best 2016 Wedding Camera & Lens for the Economical Buyer", what would it be, and why? </strong><br>

    <br />Please try to provide your best recommendation just knowing that 1) I'm a newbie so I really don't know what technical capabilities I need yet 2) have a low/avg budget<br>

    <br /> <strong>Thank you so very much in advance for your recommendations! I look forward to hearing from you.</strong><br>


    <p> </p>

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