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Image Comments posted by glenmcwil


    I like the mood of this photo! The one distraction is the bright grass in the foreground. A path leading into the woods would add to the mystic.

    Thanks, The deer and I spent a fun time watching each other so I had lots of time to get some good photos and try different settings.

    Thanks, We are very fortunate to have an urban parks in Calgary which is great as the provincial and national parks are closed. One has to look for places where people are not walking their dogs. Guess the deer feel the same. One can see the white balance is not the same in the photos posted, The deer are so good at blending into the background that I struggled to find the balance between staying realistic and bringing attention to the deer. comments and suggestions appreciated.
  1. I like the set up as it catches ones attention. To repeat this shot in softer light would be more flattering to the subject, a shallower depth of field with only the face in sharp focus also bring attention to the beautiful smile.
  2. Thanks, adding the extension tubes to a 90mm macro was a fun exercise, I was pleased with the results and will try more. The flash in a 12 inch soft box allowed me to stop down. I had heard that this could lead to defraction problems but seems ok to me. Suggestions for improvement appreciated as working at this scale is all new to me.
  3. Russel your photo draws me in, I want to know more!  There is a story here not a model posing.  The focus and the subject are one.  Part of me wonders about the high shoulder, is it distracting? or is it a shrug of indifference which leads to the intrigue?  There appears to be a highlight on the end of her nose, probably an artifact of the compression of the image. I would like to see the other pictures, the rest of the story.  

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