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Image Comments posted by danielcheon

    Maison Basse


    Hi all, I'm an aspiring whatever-it-is-that-I-am-doing. I have particular

    interest in letting the pictures come and making the best out of moment,

    rather than going out of my way trying to get the shots that I/anyone wants.


    I built a portfolio to start throwing myself in the industry see what I can get

    out of it. I think I fall into the category of 'experimental photographic artist' -

    experimental in the sense of practice, more than technique.


    I was hoping to get some feedback on both the pictures in the following

    website I have listed in my profile, and the photos in it. I am anxious to hear

    what everybody has to say, and I thank you in advance.


    (If you are wondering about the processing by any chance, all hail VSCO


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