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Posts posted by mathieu_martineau

  1. <p>So, a really nice coffee/bistro is asking me for photos to display. I'm not a pro photographer, mostly just a guy who enjoy the outdoors a lot and can handle a camera.The business seem pretty open about how to make it happen. <br>

    I'm just not sure what I should consider. They would like to have some high quality products. It would also be up for sale. Just wondering how much money is worth spending on a opportunity like this. They would also consider paying for the printing / framing and take a part of the sale if it happen. <br>

    Should I spend money to decorate a business ? Especially if I fit their need in style and size. <br>

    If I let it to them to pay for the printing. How much should I let them have when it sell ?<br>

    I'm also a bit worried about who's property it become...<br>

    I know they are really nice people and mostly looking to help me out but just not sure how to deal with this.<br>

    Thanks </p>

    <p> </p>

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