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Posts posted by uptonimages

  1. <p>William, thanks for the kind words and time taken looking over my portfolio. I do appreciate it! I must mention that for me the word "Leaf" refers to the maker of the digital back I'm using with the Mamiya. I've used leaf shutters back during a brief (and frustrating) attempt to work in 4x5, but not returned.<br>

    I am really impressed with your X100 shots. I've tried to get the kind of rich look you've achieved in my B&W shots, but not been very successful so far. I look forward to seeing where else you take your efforts there. I've noticed lots of photographers here producing nice atmospheric effects with long exposures, as you have, and I intend to explore that avenue more as well.<br>



  2. <p> I'm a week or so into being a member and am really enjoying exploring the site. I find the work here to be a cut above some of the other sharing sites I've seen and its been an easy task to find some sources of inspiration among the images I've browsed through.<br>

    I am a longtime amateur, now retired and with time and motivation to try to improve the quality of my work. I've been lucky enough to acquire some nice equipment over the years so I'm definitely not limited there. Most of the time these days I shoot with either a big Mamiya/Leaf 645 combo on a tripod or a much smaller Olympus OMD-EM1 setup. I'm obsessed with the incredible detail and range possible with the Mamiya as you'll see by the choice of subject matter in my portfolio. I have focused on various "scapes" over the years (land, city, water), but am finding street shooting more exciting now that I have time for it.<br>

    I intend to build my portfolio on PN slowly, and will put out images for rating or comment on a slow but regular basis. Thus far, I've found some of the ratings puzzling as I'm sure everyone does. I'm concluding that the main value of the ratings is to compare my own shots vs each other, rather than as an absolute measure of quality. Its interesting for me to know which images in my portfolio gain the most traction with PN viewers, as well as which images by others are most highly regarded.<br>

    At any rate, I've spent enough time online in the last week to conclude that getting more engaged here will be worth the effort, so I'll be looking for opportunities to do so. I will appreciate any comments and especially suggestions.<br>

    Regards to all who read this,<br>

    Tom Upton</p>


  3. <p>Very interesting to read your post as I am sitting here doing <em>exactly</em> the same thing you describe: scanning hundreds of old negatives with an Epson V850. For what its worth, I gave up on the Epson scanning software and moved to Silverfast 8.5 -- far more efficient for scanning/correcting large numbers of negatives. Beyond that, I'll follow the tips that others have provided here.</p>
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