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Posts posted by bill_kubiak

  1. <p><strong>Hi, I need some really serious Help, Please…</strong></p>

    <p><strong>Background:</strong> I have a Kodak scanner Model 570 and scanned all my 1950’s era photos in B & W and have them in a folder or album in my iMac, all 380 of them. They have been cropped, adjusted patched up to the absolute best that I can make them with my Apple Photos App. </p>

    <p>BTW that little scanner is the best thing I have ever seen, it makes perfect scans, don’t know why they don’t make them anymore, best 40 bucks I ever spent.</p>

    <p><strong>Project: </strong>Now that I have them in an album or folder in my Mac I want to share them with my ungrateful siblings, relatives, etc that I had to beg, borrow and steal from just to get the photos’s they all had, but lied and said they did not have. I want to put the photos into a Kick Ass Slide show with Music, Captions, Titles, Narrations, Credits, Bells and Whistles and get it together into a <strong>epic</strong>slide show that you just cannot walk away from, the type of show you just gotta see what is coming next and I want to do it on the cheap. </p>

    <p><strong>Problems:</strong> I just don’t happen to have 400 bucks laying around doing nothing for a copy of Photo Shop.</p>

    <p><strong>Problems encountered so far:</strong> I have searched the net and fallen for the free this, and the free that, only to find they don’t do what I want, or it is really not free, or the download is free, but if you want to use it, you gotta pony up a CC Card number, or to find the cheapie program I have on my computer is better, and most of them are full of other commercials for stuff not related to what I want to do anyway.</p>

    <p>I need something that takes a dummy like me by the hand and leads me step by step thru the process and does most of the hard work by itself. I don’t mind paying if it does what I need it to do, but so far everything is just one big commercial for something I don’t want.</p>

    <p>When completed I want my <strong>Lazy, Almost Dead to Me,</strong> relatives to have to click on one link to make the magic come alive. They are all so lazy. Did I mention that they are lazy already??</p>

    <p>I know there is several of you out there reading this that know exactly what I need and probably have done something like this yourself.</p>

    <p>Please help me out, goona be 78 soon, want get it done while I still remember who I am looking at in the pictures.</p>


  2. <p>I need help with my scanned pictures<br>

    I have the Kodak 570 scanner and it works great, and does a nice clear job of scanning in both 300 and 600 DPI and putting the photos on an SD card.<br>

    here is my new issue<br />When I insert the SD card in my apple iMac with OS X I get an icon of the card<br />I click on the card and get a small menu, the one selection the instruction says says to click on is Photo1<br />I do that and I get a list of the photo's by number starting with EK0001 and so on<br />I click on one and a photo pops up about 2/3's of the screen size and very clear<br />My problem is I do not seem to be able to do anything with it<br />iPhoto in my Mac has been replaced by a new program just called "Photos"<br />When I right click on a picture I get a choice of things to do, one of them is send it to Photos, when I click on that nothing happens except a screen flash, however I can send them to insert into an email, or Facebook or other places.<br />I have looked all over Photos but I cannot find the pictures<br /><br />What to do at this point is my question?</p>

  3. <p>I looked over that Vuescan link and it basically tells me how to scan something from a flat bed scanner. I have a good HP 5200 all in one that scans really nice pictures but that proceedure is slow as mud.<br>

    Don't think that applies to me.<br>

    When I get my Kodak 570 Scanner what I want to do with the scanned photos is arrange them in groups like a 1965 party at Mom's house or boating with Dad, or Christmas family gathering 1980 something and so on and so forth and get all that on a dvd or cd, set it up as a slide show with a caption under each picture, perhaps some background music or even narration so viewers looking at hundreds of pictures will not get bored and want to keep watching.<br>

    I will need all the advice and help once I have the pictures scanned to do what I want to do, I now have grandkids and great grandkids that never got to know or meet my grandfather or my father or my sister and brother, I have pictures of all of that I want to get all that on a disc and send to the family to share</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I have found what the differences are on the models<br>

    A P 460 will take photos up to 4 inch by 6 inch The 461 is just a later version of the 460<br>

    A P 570 will take photos up to 5 inch by 7 inch<br>

    An 811 will do photos up to 8 inch by 11 inch<br>

    Each size up means a later model<br>

    There is another similar machine called a pandigital, but that company has gone out of business,<br>

    Did a bit of looking around and they seem to be decent machines, sure would like to hear from some one that actually has one</p>


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