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Posts posted by impr_pht

  1. <p>Thanks <a href="/photodb/user?user_id=6570607">John Wheeler</a> for your reply<br>

    I need to take time to understand your post in depth<br>

    i will review it later again<br>

    can you please answer me the following question.<br>

    if i would use a full frame sensor (like Canon Mark 3), will it give me the same sharpness from far as close?<br>

    Thank you in advance</p>

  2. <p>Hi<br>

    here is the answers to your questions<br>

    I light my object with consistent lights, no flash<br>

    I have a regular Tripod that doesn't shake while i shoot<br>

    I am adjusting the focus between each shot with Canon EOS utility on my Mac<br>

    My shutter speed is about 1/4 sec, my ISO is 100, <br>

    the number of shots if i shoot F/8 from the closest possible, is about 10, if i go far, i need to shoot less as the DOF is bigger for each shot<br>

    I can focus stack by using Photoshop, however each image individually has the same issue, lets say if i take the image of the same diamond from far and from close i have more detail in the close one even though it is not zoomed in and there is enough pixels on both of the images for that specific diamond<br>

    I need to look up a sample... i hope to post it latter<br>

    but according to the info posted above</p>



    <p>"does anyone understand why i loose detail when i shoot from far?"</p>




  3. <p>F16 is not sharp enough for small diamonds<br>

    it gets burned and smudgy, i need to shoot on F8<br>

    does anyone understand why i loose detail when i shoot from far?<br>

    if i would use a camera with a full frame sensor would it help?<br />thank you for your help in advance</p>

  4. <p>Hello<br>

    I am shooting diamond rings with a T3I and a 60 mm Canon macro lens.<br>

    the final resolution that i need is 1000 x 1000 pixels only<br>

    i am shooting F8 so i can get the maximum details<br>

    since i have a shallow depth of field i am doing focus stacking<br>

    i would love to put the camera further back so i can have a bigger DOF, and will need do less shots for the focus stacking<br>

    however if the camera is far i notice that i loose some details, and the diamonds are not as sharp and more smudgy.<br>

    in other words, i get a better quality image by shooting closer, and then reducing the resolution to 1000x1000 then if i shoot from further, and the picture was captured in 1000x1000 originally, and cropped around after?<br>

    why is that? does anyone understand?<br>

    if i would use a camera with a full frame sensor would it help?<br>

    thank you for your help in advance</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Thanks David for your reply<br>

    the only Canon lens that zooms in more then mine that canon has, is the manual focus 60 mm..... it is not very practical at all having to do manual focus for my workflow, Canon has a 100 mm lens, but the closest it can focus is 12", my lens is 65 mm but i can go up to 6" close<br>

    Canon doesn't have a lens with Auto focus that a Ring can fill up the frame..... I woke to them on the phone</p>

  6. <p>Thanks a lot for your responses<br>

    i think that i should look in to buy a Tube that will make me fill up the ring in my Camara<br>

    Just a correction, I have 60 mm Canon Macro lens, not 65 mm<br>

    I like to have more pixels to work with, especially when zooming in on very small diamond on the sides of a ring for example, and also, why shouldn't i make my client happy... if they want higher res....<br>

    What Tube do you recommend me to get?<br>

    Will the details of the picture be the same clear and sharp, when i use a tube?<br>

    what about focus stacking shots, will i be able get more DOF in focus, by being able to put the camera further back for a client that does not need such high res, and will need to shoot less images for the focus stacking?<br>

    thanks for your responses in advance</p>

    <p> </p>

  7. <p>thanks a lot for all your responses <br /> Do you really believe that with my 700 dollar T3i +700 dollar macro lens, i can get maximum quality images? <br /> there are more expensive cameras for a reason ....<br /> I know that part of the advantages of more expensive cameras, is that it is stronger and can be out doors, and high ISO..... but isn't there a difference in quality in a studio with proper lighting?</p>
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