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Posts posted by elizabeth_m2

  1. <p>I found a model release form I quite like but there's this one part I don't quite understand:<br>

    <strong><em>This authorization and release shall also inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, licensees, and assigns of the Photographer, as well as the person(s) for whom he/she took the photographs.</em></strong><br>

    <em>I agree that the above mentioned photographs and<strong> any reproductions shall be deemed to represent an imaginary person, and further agree that the Photographer</strong> or any person authorized by or acting on his or her behalf may use the above mentioned designs or any reproductions of them for any advertising purposes or for the purpose of illustrating any wording, and agree that no such wording shall be considered to be attributed to me personally unless my name is used.</em><br>

    <em><strong>Provided my name is not mentioned in connection with any other statement or wording which may be attributed to me personally, I undertake not to Prosecute or to institute proceedings, claims or demands against either the Photographer or her agents in respect of any usage of the above mentioned photographs.</strong> I hereby release the Photographer named above from all claims and liability relating to images, video or photographs taken of me.</em></p>

    <p>What exactly does it mean by other statement? The bold parts are the points I don't particularly understand. :/</p>

  2. <p>Hello!<br>

    Thank you Jeff Spirer, Spencer Lange and M B for your help and advice. I found a model release online yesterday after hoping I was on the right track in the case of my photograph, but the advice for my graphics were answers I had yet to find so THANK YOU! <br>

    I was just concern about what are the lengths of protecting myself in a portfolio. I will be giving these links to any future possible cilents so I didn't want to wake up one day with a lawsuit and an unhappy cilent calming I never asked for permission.<br>

    The works I created are done freelance. I'm still new and learning a lot about freelancing so with this cilent, she was my first proper one, we didn't draft a contract since we kept it more easy. She pays me a simply amount and allows me to use it to fill up my portfolio. So I don't have a contract drafted that already states that I have all the rights. <br>

    I didn't sign over anything to her either but my work for her was a visual indenity project, so is that where your question about trademarking comes it? It's a logo and everything. <br>

    So to just repeat and hope I understood everything: The graphics I designed are mine, so to simply put them on my portfolio would actually be all up to me. Including photographs that I am paid for, unless there is a person involved that follows the rules of needing a model release, I could actually just take a picture (of a flower like you said) and use it? Okay... That makes things easier to understand. Phew. <br>

    That is of course as long as I haven't relinquish my rights to the work. Yes that actually really helped a lot. Thank you all again so much. Would it be to much to ask if maybe you could help teach me how to draft a proper contract for any future cilents? Haha </p>


  3. <p>Hello!<br />My name is Elizabeth and I have a few questions. I don't really know the technical terms for a lot of these things yet but I was wondering if anybody could help me understand a few things regarding the legal proceedures of both graphic designing (if you do that) and photography.<br>

    Here's a little back story: I would like to add a few designs and photos to my portfolio. The designs have been created by me and verbally approved by the cilent for me to publish it for commerical use but I would like to stay safe and get them to sign something. What exactly can I give them to sign? Is there something like a model release for design work?<br /><br />Also I took some photos and proceeded to retouching it, these have also been verbally approved by my cilent, but my second question would be: Is a model release the appropriate form to ask them to sign in this case?<br>

    I don't really know if I should be aware of anything else, but those are my two questions for now. If anybody could help me understand it a little bit more, I'd be very grateful!<br>

    Thanks a lot!<br>


  4. <p>Thank you for the advice everybody. Here are two edits I made recently as an example of what I am able to do.<br>


    http://tinypic.com/r/ang9jm/8<br /><br />And to answer @Ian, well personally I am not doing this for money right now. I am doing this for the sake of experience, learning what I can and building a portfolio for myself. If I make a small amount here and there, I'd be happy but my main motive is experience. <br>

    And thank you @Glenn Palm, it would be great to use photo.net to help sharpen my skills. If you have any retouching techniques or tips please it would be great if you could share. I'd love to learn!</p>

  5. <p>Hello Charles and Robert,(I hope I am responding in the correct way... Not really sure how to use a forum like this.) I currently live in the North of Germany, very close to the bother of Switzerland. I realised how the position of "photographers apprentice" may require a lot of face-to-face interaction but is there still a possibility of learning via the internet?<br>

    As for an example, allow me to compile together some of my work and I'll post it shortly! :)</p>

  6. <p>Hello,<br />My name is Elizabeth.<br>

    I'm currently trying to make my way into the field of freelance designing. Particularly in Photo Retouching, Editing and Manipulation. A lot of people have suggested to me to become a "photographers apprentice", working alongside them to build and practice my skills but also to learn more things.<br>

    Which leads to my question: <strong>Would anybody be interested in hiring me as a photographers apprentice? </strong><br /><br /><strong>I am skilled in Adobe Photoshop CC, I've been designing with it for years now and studying it properly for the past two years. I understand the basic fundamentals of photography but am always eager to learn more things. I'm looking for a way to practise my skills, build my portfolio and along the way also get my name circulating in the network of designers. </strong><br /><br /><strong>Another option would be to ask if anybody would be keen to allow me to edit some of their images and use it for my portfolio? <br /></strong><br>

    <strong><br /></strong>And lastly, if you yourself do photo editing/retouching and ect, would you fancy offering me some advice in this field so I can better learn how to propose myself? Thank you for your time and looking forward to hearing from everybody!<br>



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