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Posts posted by straightline

  1. Great stuff a per usual Rick..and, slightly off topic, as an ex-sandal maker for a time in the Hippy era (what better way to

    measure nymphets ankles and calfs?) I can state with confidence you could not build the bag for less than a $120 (in

    materials only) unless in China, these days so without having the camera gear you were $95 up! Now to the camera: I

    can't really see what you are complaining about, vis á vis lack of dimension, unless your well known photographic abilities

    have hidden a multitude of faults. The lovely shot down the Main Street with the awning supports diminishing and the man

    with the broom really "tell a story" and then there's the Tandoori Restaurant, a shot sure to earn you at least a Rogan

    Josh with Tandoor made Roti...I liked too the Cafe Celia (bowls club?) with the bright white trellis and fretwork, the lens

    really is a cracker, if it rendered all those verticals as seen in the shot. Finally, the shiny metallic, bike rack (?) with the

    reflections in the darkened glass behind, I can't in any sense think that is two dimensional: you have a superb buy for a

    quarter of a ton and I think you should sell it as is, quickly, so we couch critics can see what gems you have bought with the

    proceeds: After all it is Adolf's birthday, so shouldn't we all be celebrating?

  2. Well mostly I'm with John W. I really did think no.7 was shot in France around 1914 but much of that must be attributed to

    my unfamiliarity with Churches. A slightly greater familiarity with the products of gun cotton and bored gunners made

    1918 unlikely, though with Rick you never know. A man with an arcane and encyclopedic knowledge such as his has to be

    explicable somehow but I know for a fact, having written to him, his mailbox is not shared by a Mr. Dorian Gray.

    If a rank amateur might offer his opinion, I would say the shot of what appears to be an old bank building, (and St.Agonies

    of course) are quite remarkable for their geometric accuracy and as for the Tiger Moth shots inside and outside the

    hangar, they would not disgrace a camera and lens costing much more: Proof positive if any were needed Rick

    Drawbridge could take a great photo with a wall mounted coffee mill. Tj.Hanlon

  3. And my vote goes, in order of preference not ability, to the garden Centre with its neat progression from the cast iron to

    the chimney baffles and powerful blocks of light and and shade with one demure patch of water to hint at the hour: early

    morning, perhaps? The arrow barbed roofline piercing the blue sky is full of interest for me, seeing as I do beneath it the

    rolling wave of curved steel that acts as both shelter and shade against the sun, suggested so subtly by the shadow cast

    by the billboard protruding from the facade. The minimalist BMW nose against the trendy backdrop of the entrance to

    what? Hairdresser, eatery, or haute cuisine: we are left wondering for as usual Rick is impeccably unobtrusive except

    when shamelessly plugging his morning coffee spot :) Bokeh and bouquet? Yes this lens has it all, but what of my

    favourite, which would I choose? Well as an admirer of fine ankles, it would have to be the red shoes. Excellent, as

    always, Rick:i like them all, but the ones mentioned were my pick.

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