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Image Comments posted by serge_moscow

  1. Very nice photo. It's not a "simple" birdhunting, in this case it's a piece of real art, from my point of view. This combination of dark and light geometry parts looks great.

    And, in parents, from my experience the best photo we make from the window. Or just near of our home location.

    Warm regards, Serge

    At a curve


    I like gentle pastel colours of the morning. Nice composition.

    I'd crop a little from the right (right down corner). And you can review DXO Pure Raw software, it helps to enchance a picture appearance is such situations. See, for e.g. my last photo "Morning walk"

  2. https://habr.com/ru/post/573564/

    you can see screenshots.

    Install it, open low quality photo, set the required settings, "Update", then save the image to disk. Further as usual in LR and PS. You can repeat two or more times, for e.g. enlage x2, than x0,5, sometimes it help.

    But, of course initial image must be sharp, so this not a "silver bullet".

    Barn - 127


    Barn, afak, is a key word for american photographers:) Best shots, imho, from Minor White.


    I'd move camera to right a little. Left part of current picture is not important.

    I am no longer interested in photographs of flowers. But you made a brilliant shot. Against a black background, tulips are subtly and precisely positioned. Wonderful light. You have given me an unexpected joy, thank you.
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