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Image Comments posted by vacations-abroad.com

  1. The colors and composition are great. The Mayan Indian villages are relatively free of theft problems.. except the big tourist towns like the ones around Lake Attilan... There you can be attacked by children.. who run at you in packs like a pack of wild dogs.
  2. No Flash is used on this... There is only some sort of ugly florescent lighting from the garage at night... that looks horrible in color so I did it in black and white. It is taken immediately after a snow storm in the middle of the night. The snow at night is beautiful.. but hard to capture.. since I live in the country and do not have any city lighting..
  3. I made an attempt to remove the magenta coloring.. hope it helped... and I will adjust my fstops in the future when shooting snow scenes to allow more light... The scene is in the middle of a snow storm,,, it is not night time.. Regarding the jumbled feeling of so many snow flakes and trees... I kinda like it. And although aesthetically, if I simplified it would be better photography... not all things in life are simple... but maybe the next shot will be. Thanks for the feed back... I appreciate it.


    And I tried what you suggested, but returned to original photo... Perhaps my knowlege of photo shop is not that great..However, my second landscape photo... I took your suggestions to heart... got closer to subject.
  4. Enjoyed this photo. The B&W really brings the picture alive. I lived in SF for a while. There are alot of homeless people there... They are part of everyday life... They sleep on the sidewalks in front of stores in the downtown area. .. they say it is because the budget for the mental hospitals were cut... One day I tried to give a street woman who lived on the sidewalk a clean blanket.. brought it from home.. she started screaming at me in some incoherent made up language... She wouldnt touch it. These people are beyond trying to talk to them or offer them a friendly gesture. The comments on the other photos were naive concerning what type of responses or responsibility you have towards your photographic subject.


    So many photos go for the simplicity effect - this one doesn't. I get tired of everything looking the same and like the conflict and confusion in this photo. I dont think you should focus on only a few of the bows because it would take away from the feel of action...
  5. I strolled up to a small house with a white fence surrounding the house. I had been told that the woman who lived there made traditional artwork. When she opened the door, she invited me in immediately. The first objects she showed me were the types of things sold at tourist site.. junk. I told her I wasnt interested. She opened a trunk that was hidden and all these treasures were brought forth. They had been handed down for generations in her family and many of the items were used for ceremonial purposes. If you read any of the history of the Yuroks, you will learn how they were famous for their weaving. These are original pieces to be used in their traditional ceremonies.
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