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Posts posted by ichabod_mudd

  1. <p>ok, OP<br>

    i have mine down to just the center group, its easy to get here, (I match marked the rear sections carefully)<br>

    I can get a near new lens for $90 but this one is free.<br>

    and now just the very center group have fungus.<br>

    see my gallery for 3 photos and one shows. 3 screws at rear , that i can not access.<br>

    i got very close to getting this lens fully clean, I need only the MACRO to work. down to 30cm MFD.<br>

    seen here,<br>

    if you find a book (even at cost) on this dismantle, let me know, please.</p>


  2. <p>2 year old post... but is on topic, really each lens is different, and for sure zooms.<br /> have free lens. 35-105 mac. lens. FD. im going to use it for MACRO, only..<br /> I can buy a clean one for less that CLA.<br /> with fungus.<br /> here is how far i got and my stumped point. (ive done others but not this variant)<br /> all lenses clean on all 3 front elements.<br /> the rear is removed, and those are now cleaned of fungus<br /> the center lens set , i cant figure out.<br /> i see 3 hidden screws here. (but all attempts at finding access here , failed.<br /> see fungus here, and where IM at.</p>

    <p><img src="http://www.fixkick.com/look/24hr/fungus1.JPG" alt="" width="1920" height="1080" /><br>

    this is the screw that can not be reached.<br>

    <img src="http://www.fixkick.com/look/24hr/screw1.JPG" alt="" /></p>

  3. <p>Hello Mr. Yannick S.<br>

    thanks for sharing .<br>

    yes that is fungus,<br>

    I too have an FD 35-105mm f/3.5 mac, to be used <strong>only in macro mode</strong>, with my Rebel. T2. and XT<br>

    I have fungus on 3 elements. (I got lens for free in Peru, (jungle, fungus !)<br>

    the front elem.1 ring screws off with spanner, letting me get to element 2 (snap ring off) the element 3.) cleaned all those. super easy with 1 spanner and one plastic pick( just for this task)<br>

    then removed the rear element, (snap ring) it was starting to eat the glass so used cerium oxide to it gently<br>

    and it cleaned up. (after trying every thing else , Kodak lens cleaner, and alcohol , vinegar, and H202. )<br>

    that leaves 2 elements in the center, the forward was OK,but the rear center is bad spider web."horrid" yes.<br>

    so how to get there,?,, not one book on lens on the net exists. free or other wise.<br>

    then i found the 6 screws seen here. and are slotted. so can not be removed without losing calibration'/collimation?<br>

    i gave up too.<br>



    now a door stop...... cute as it is....<br>

    wish you luck with yours.... the zooms are way too hard for me, can do primes.<br>



    one, trick i learned is to buy a BN lens off keh/fleabay and practice on the fully dead hopeless lens.<br>

    then try yours. bad lenses are like $10 or less. (fodder)</p>

    <p> if you desire more details. ask. can do...<br>

    I'm on looking for macro lenses. I just need one. for close work. say under 1 foot.<br>

    much like the macro photo above ...... </p>

    <p>so look at your lens e carefully and decide which elements are bad inside, 1 or more, and where is the hardest one to reach?<br>

    if it's out of reach? ,best is to find another lenses, cheap. (keh is one good place)<br>

    too bad we dont at least have blow up drawings on all canon lenses..... just 1 page, mech. drawing draftings.<br>

    some we do, but zooms/ zero.</p>


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