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Posts posted by christopher_barnes

  1. <p>I am a long time user of Canon FD and my camera of choice is the EF. I also have a good background in electronics. I have been using an EF for 5 years or so for general photography. The 625A 1.5V Alkaline cell is ideal, the discharge characteristic is unimportant because of the built-in voltage regulator. However some of the low-cost unbranded cells are not suitable as they are not quite the right shape and do not make contact correctly. I recommend Duracell 625A. With new cells the battery test LED will flash quite quickly. When it flashes slowly the 1.5V cells will be well discharged and should be replaced.<br>

    I have had few problems with my EF's but I do tend to use the old style breech-lock lenses as I ran into a problem where one of my New FD lenses did not always couple correctly with the camera body. A pin on the lens signals to the camera if the lens is in auto or manual mode and sometimes the camera thought the lens was in manual when it was in auto. This results in gross underexposure as it stops the lens right down. I have tried this lens on about 10 other Canon FD cameras and it works fine so I conclude that it is a tolerances problem. My trusted repair shop could find no fault.<br>

    For flash I use a 277T and in poor light use it in the normal F Number Set mode. For fill-in flash set the shutter speed to 1/125 and the lens for auto exposure. Set the aperture on the flash unit to 1 stop wider than the camera's auto exposure reading. You will find it works a treat.</p>

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