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Posts posted by endof_days

  1. <p>Having read the responses and viewed the images posted in this thread, I have a better idea of the purpose of these "challenges". I had previously thought that it was about posting an image which for whatever reason was challenging to post produce and could benefit from some post production to improve the photo. I now see that it is about posting anything at all, for no particular reason and then bludgeoning it with filters. Please excuse my initial confusion and carry on.</p>
  2. <p>I realise that there is no rule against posting a boring photo, however if the point of the thread is to get people to participate then <em>what</em> is posted, is relevant. These "exercises" get very little participation. Howard offered a legitimate reason why this is so. I concurred. Neither of us have to offer you our own example in order for our observations to have merit. By all means continue to post, bin worthy, images if you think that is the best way forward.</p>
  3. <p> As Tim rightly points out, the circles which were pore structure and a part of the guy's skin could easily be avoided or fixed as you can move around the sample points or resample from different points. I was not aiming for perfection, rather I was trying to illustrate that LR can do the job. Undeniably I could have done a much better job had I spent more that a minute working on it. This is not my image and the response I got was pretty much what I expected so I'm glad I did not waste any more time.</p>
  4. <p>In order to offer an answer the first thing one needs to know is what type of tree sap? If you are talking about coniferous tree sap such as pine or spruce sap you need a strong solvent. Deciduous tree sap would be soluble with warm soapy water. You say that the photos are old and no doubt prized family heirlooms so be very cautious and try anything on as small and inconspicuous an area as possible.<br>

    I have used naphthalene with success to remove pine sap from synthetic tent material and clothing with good results but have not used it on photographs. </p>

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